Monday, September 30, 2019

Communication needs Essay

1.1 Explain the importance of meeting an individual’s communication needs. Answer People communicate because they need to let others know what they want and feel, as well as to find things out and get answers to their question and to pass on information and give direction. Communication is a basic human right. Without communication the individual is unable to realise or exercise their rights. Under the human rights act 1998 all individuals have the right to freedom of expression. Without identifying and supporting the individuals communication needs many may be denied their rights. The right of and individual is also up held in (GSCC) General Social Care Council. In order to effectively support an individual with his or her communication we must have a thorough understanding of their needs. All individuals have a right to communication and we are governed by standards, codes of practice, guidelines, morals and law to ensure those communication needs are met. Read more: Essay About Support Individuals with Specific Communication Needs 1.2 Explain how own role and practice can impact on communication with an individual who has specific communication needs. Answer It is true that a person’s own beliefs and experiences could affect working practice or affect my role as a healthcare worker. However, as a  professional health care worker, it is part of my responsibilities to treat all service users equally and never allow my personal beliefs affect my role. Imposing my own beliefs and experiences is not acceptable in the healthcare practice and would be against the standard codes of practice, and organisational policies. Example giving preferential treatment to service user because I like them more than others, treating a client differently because we have the same or different religion, different values as regards personal hygiene, different sexual orientation. Furthermore, treating a service user badly because in the past I have had a bad experience with perhaps people of such colour, race or people of his/her personalities is against the practice. The Human Rights Act 1998, The Race Relations, Act 1976 amended 2000, The Sex Discrimination Act 1975. Equal Opportunities Act 2004 and the Equality Act of 2010 are all legislations that relate to equality and diversity in my own practice. These acts are about meeting and respecting the individual needs. As a healthcare worker it is my responsibly to strictly adhere and follow these guidelines. This ensure that all clients are treated equally irrespective of their colour, age, disability, gender, religion and belief and sexual orientation . It is my duties to offer a non judgemental, non bias service because of individual client beliefs. 1.3 Analyse features of the environment that may help or hinder communication. Answer Noise levels of the environment. Are they conducive to communication if an individual is hard of hearing therefore it is best to reduce the noise level or move to a quieter area to improved communication. Large groups could have a negative effective on communication if everyone is engage in a lively discussion, it best to move to a smaller group. Good/poor lighting someone with poor vision may find it difficult to see especially if they have hearing problem and relied on reading your lips as opposed to good lighting which would alleviate any anxieties and stress and reduced miscommunication as a result of having good lighting. Privacy or lack of it, offering a individual a private environment to have a conversation with someone on a one to one basic would allowed the individual to set across from you face to face, where the level of communication can be calm, timely and clear have opportunities to clarify things they are not sure about and enable clarity. focusing on the individual,space and positioning when communicating, body language and eye contact when communicating, giving individuals sufficient time to communicate, using the individual’s preferred means of communication and language, checking that you and the individuals understand the communication when communicating. No disruption/disruption, distraction example, TV off or on and even temperature is it just right or too hot/cold etc. as all these elements can have a negative or positive impact on communication. Physical- refers to the environment surrounding the participants in the communication process; for example: (good) good ventilation, chairs and other materials are properly arrange, temperature is set just right, the place or venue is presentable..etc. (bad) a very noisy place, air pollution, the place is very dirty and the materials for the event is not properly arrange, poor ventilation. 1.4 Analyze reasons why an individual may use a form of communication that is not based on a formal language system. Answer There are lots of different ways to communicate. We use all of our five senses to communicate and receive information: Visual-seeing, Auditory -hearing, Olfactory – smelling, Kin- aesthetic -feeling, Gustatory -tasting. Could be due to hearing difficulties, in which case they will use sign language, another could be because of learning problems, and these people use a form of body language , some might use their eyes, whilst others communicate by making facial expressions or sounds or even pointing. A further reason could be due to a severe medical condition, and in some of these cases the individual can learn to use electronic equipment to communicate It is important to learn about communication forms. Once we recognize the communication we can respond to it and begin shaping it into a more formal or easier to understand form of communication. 1.5 Identify a range of communication methods and aids to support individuals to communicate. Answer There are three main forms of communication, verbal, non-verbal and the written word. Verbal communication Verbal communication uses words to present ideas, thoughts and feelings. Good verbal communication is the ability to both explain and present your ideas clearly through the spoken word, and to listen carefully to other people. This will involve using a variety of approaches and styles appropriate to the Individual you are addressing. Non-verbal communication This refers to the messages we send out to express ideas and opinions without  talking. This might be through the use of body language, facial expressions, gestures, tone of voice, touch or contact, signs, symbols, pictures, objects and other visual aids. It is very important to be able to recognise what a person’s body language is saying, especially when as a health or social care worker you are dealing with someone who is in pain, worried or upset. You must also be able to understand the messages you send with your own body when working with other people. Body language – The way we sit or stand, which is called posture, can  send messages. Slouching on a chair can show a lack of interest in what is going on and folded arms can suggest that you are feeling negative or defensive about a person or situation. Even the way we move can give out messages, e.g. shaking your head while someone else is talking might indicate that you disagree with them or waving your arms around can indicate you are excited. Facial expression – We can often tell what someone is feeling by their  eyes. Our eyes become wider when we are excited or happy, attracted to, or interested in someone. A smile shows we are happy and a frown shows we are annoyed. Touch or contact – Touching another person can send messages  of care, affection, power or sexual interest. It is important to think about the setting you are in and what you are trying to convey before touching a person in a health and social care environment. An arm around a child who is upset about something in hospital or a nursery can go a long way to making them feel better but a teenager might feel intimidated by such contact from an older person. Signs, symbols and pictures – There are certain common signs or  gestures that most people automatically recognise. For example, a wave of the hand can mean hello or goodbye and a thumbs up can mean that all is well. Pictures of all forms and objects also communicate messages; an X-ray and a model of a knee joint can more easily communicate to someone needing a knee replacement exactly what is involved. Written communication This is central to the work of any person providing a service in a health and social care environment when keeping records and in writing reports. Different types of communication need different styles of writing but all require literacy skills. A more formal style of writing is needed when recording information about a client. Technological aids Technology is moving so quickly now that we have many electronic aids to help us communicate. For example, mobile phones can be used to make calls but we can also use them to send text messages and emails; and we have computers on which we can record, store and communicate information very quickly and efficiently over long distances. Some aids can turn small movements into written word and then into speech, such as the voice box most famously used by the scientist, Professor Stephen Hawking. mobile phones: these are generally affordable and available to the population at large, making them more accessible than computers and far more cost-effective. They have many uses in health and social care. For example, they enable emergency response teams to coordinate their efforts, allow a surgical team to contact someone awaiting an organ transplant, gather and send information etc. They are especially important in health and social care in developing countries, where people may live several days’ walk from the nearest doctor. telephone amplifier: these are devices that amplify, or make louder, the ring tone of a phone so that people who are hard of hearing and maybe use a hearing aid can hear the phone more clearly. They also amplify the volume of the person speaking on the other end by up to 100%. Other devices on telephones include flashing lights so someone who is hard of hearing can see  that the phone is ringing. hearing loops – a hearing loop system helps deaf people who use a hearing aid These means of communication are used for transferring information from one entity to the other, and always involve a sender and receiver. The cycle of communication is said to be complete only when the receiver has understood the sender’s message and intent. 1.6 Describe the potential effects on an individual of having unmet communication needs. Answer Having difficulties expressing on self can lead to both physical and emotional problems. Individuals who experience a gradual loss of effective communication may become increasingly withdrawn, depressed or isolated. These emotions reduce the individual’s self-esteem as they start to develop feeling of frustration and uselessness. The individual’s behaviour may change as they vent their frustrations with acts of anger or even violence. An individual, who is born deft or lose their hearing while they are young, may well have built their own society in the Deft Community based on communication through sign language. But someone who has lived in the hearing community for most of their life, then loses their hearing in later life, may feel they have no place where they can fit in. some individuals who have not received the required support to communicate effectively may become indifferent to others. They may begin to feel that there is no point in trying to express themselves, their needs or their views, when no one appears to be listening or attempting to understand them. Unsupported communication needs can result in the individual being denied their rights. As a society, if we deny an individual their rights in life we are in effect abusing that individual. 2.2 Contribute to identifying the communication methods or aids that will best suit individual. Answer At my day centre I contribute to aiding the communication needs of my service users by: Cultural needs: dietary needs of a number of service users are varied so it is essential that those who have special dietary needs are meet to help maintained and help them stay healthy example. Diabetic not given too much sugar or sweet, or those with hypertension watch the amount of salt intake in their diet identified and cultural norms of using the left hand is frown up on. Religious needs: Ensures those who practice their faith are given the opportunity to engage in such practice on a weekly basic. By providing this service to them. One page profile: Indicate the individual like and preferences and what is important to the individual and how best to meet their needs. Body language: Through developing a working relationship with an individual I am able to understand a number of cues with indicate what or how they are feeling through, facial expression, gestures that indicate that the individual is upset annoyed or confused example when an individual look at family photos they want to talk or visit their love ones. Key working: thought working with the individual and family to establish person centre approaches. Which entails their hope dreams and aspiration. Language barrier: ensuring the individual have someone to help will their language needs if their first language is not English. Technical aids: Ensuring individual have the access to hearing aid, optician to provide them with aiding with visual needs to improved their communication needs. Talking books,and large printed and Bridle books and other technical aids to help with their communication needs through partnership work with deft blind society who provide magazine to informed and update service users and their family on the latest aids that would best suit their needs. Monthly magazine leaflet: Informing and updating service users on all the activities that has taken place and will be happening at the centre. By taking photos of all the various events we are enabling service user are seeing hearing and reading all that is taking place in the day centre. Example who celebrated their birth day, what events will be happing inside and outside of the centre and pictures of who attended. Notice board: Service user are able to see and read about events and obtained information that is of interest to them or others they can shared with. Informing service users: Provide service users with Information and Advice as to where and how to obtain information on other services and community resources they can get access to. Staff meeting: Report and shared concerned information that has been disclosed or observation about service user that will benefit or aid their communication needs 2.3 Explain how and when to access information and support about identifying and addressing specific communication needs. OR 1.1What is communication? Communication is the giving and receiving of information. It is the foundation of what we do in everyday life. What we say, how we say it and what we do communicates a multitude of messages that are given and received consciously and subconsciously by using different communication methods. People communicate with you because they have something they want you to know or something they want you to tell them. We communicate to share information and ideas. The key point to remember is that everyone is different. We all think differently and communicate in different ways. The people you are supporting will communicate because they are motivated by what they need 2.2 Understand a range of communication methods and styles that could help meet an individual’s communication needs, wishes and preferences There are lots of different Ways to communicate. We use all of our five senses to communicate and receive information: ï‚ · Visual – seeing Auditory – hearing Olfactory – smelling Kinaesthetic – feeling Gustatory – tasting Verbal communication Vocabulary, words and different languages Tone of voice Pitch (for example, high or low Non-verbal communication Eye contact Signs, symbols or pictures Writing Using objects Touch Physical gestures Body language and emotions Lip reading Recognise barriers to effective communication Here are some of the different barriers to consider: Sensory impairment (for example, deafness, blindness or both) Culture (for example, speaking different languages or poor English) Religion (for example, men not permitted to support females with personal care) Health issues (for example, mental ill health like Dementia) Background noise (for example, radio, television, other people, machines) Emotions (for example, difficulty in being able to listen to others) Stress (for example, failing to recognise what is happening) Strong accents (for example, from a different part of England that you find difficult to understand) Specialist communication techniques (for example, sign language is used) Prejudice (for example, allowing your beliefs to pre judge a situation) Be aware of ways to reduce barriers to effective communication Hearing Loss Hearing loss is an invisible disability, so it can become a big communication barrier. Hearing impaired people have to concentrate very hard to pick up information in stages and written information. Aids that can help these people are hearing aids, sign language, lip reading, loop systems, interpreters. It is important to limit background noise to avoid distraction. You should always make sure they can see you clearly and particularly your face as they may be able to lip read. They may also use sign language which you may need to consider learning if you will be working together regularly. Loss of Sight This can make a person extremely disorientated if they are in a strange place or they lose their glasses. When supporting a person who is blind or has limited visibility, verbal communication increases in importance. Always ensure the individual can hear you clearly. It may be appropriate to use touch to reassure them of your presence. You might need to explain things in more detail because they are unable to see your expressions and body LANGUAGE Language Barriers and Accents It can be difficult to communicate with a person who does not speak English, you may need to use picture boards, actions or an interpreter so you can communicate appropriately. Dementia and Confusion When supporting someone with Dementia be aware that even basic forms of communication may be difficult for them to understand and interpret. Use short sentences. Use names rather than he or she. Avoid open ended questions. Use closed questions, for example, rather than say â€Å"what would you like?† say â€Å"would you like this or that?† Dysphasic These individuals have usually had a stroke and may get very frustrated when trying to communicate. A speech therapist may be involved with their support and may be able to suggest ways of making things easier. Physical Disabilities Individuals may have had accidents which have changed their abilities. Some people will have previously had no disabilities and others will have always had disabilities. Some people with physical disabilities may have difficulty speaking, for example, people who may have had strokes or conditions like cerebral palsy. Others with physical disabilities may be able to communicate perfectly well in speech. You should never make judgements about individual’s capabilities in any way and don’t forget everyone is different. Cultural Differences Commonly used gestures can sometimes have different meanings in other cultures. Familiarise yourself with the cultures of those you are caring for so you are able to treat them with respect. In some cultures, men and women are not allowed to speak to each other if they are not known to each other and this could present difficulties when trying to provide care and support. A female may not want a male carer and a male may not want a female carer The Environment Consider the type of environment in which you are working. Is there lots of noise around you. Can the noise be reduced or removed altogether. Are other people making too much noise and preventing you from communicating with an individual. In an individual’s home, you may find pets or other distractions like the television being on too loud. You should also make sure that people who have particular aids to help them communicate are using these, for example hearing aids and glasses. It can often be difficult to concentrate on a conversation if the individual needs to go to the toilet. Always check the individual is comfortable. Confidence / Self Esteem If an individual lacks confidence and / or self esteem, they may find it difficult to express themselves. Lots of patience and encouragement is needed as well as regular praise to increase their confidence and the way they feel about themselves 1.5 Be aware of sources of information and support or services to enable more  effective communication There will be lots of different types of support and services that can help you and the individuals you support to improve your communication skills. Some of these services are: ï‚ · Translators Interpreters, sign language and lip speakers Speech and language specialists Advocacy services

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Temperature (Celsius and Fahrenheit)

is equal to . Similarly,   is equal to . Therefore, conversion of Celsius to Fahrenheit Formula can be written as: F = mC + a Since at   the value is , therefore a = 32. and 212 = m100+32à   m = 180/100 = 9/5 Therefore, formula to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit is: F = (C x 9/5) + 32 Rearranging F and C give formula to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius: C = (F – 32) x 5/9 Both equations are useful for conversion of Celsius to Fahrenheit and Fahrenheit to Celsius. If we know the value of temperature in degree Fahrenheit and want to calculate value in degree Celsius than equation C = (F – 32) x 5/9 can be used. Similarly, if we know the value of temperature in degree Celsius and want to calculate value in degree Fahrenheit than equation C = (F – 32) x 5/9 can be used F = (C x 9/5) + 32. The city picked for finding its record high temperature and record low temperature is London. The record high temperature ((June, July and August)) and record low temperature (December) is given below in degree Celsius. Record High Temperature: 32 Record Low Temperature:   -17 Converting, record high temperature and record low temperature from degree Celsius to degree Fahrenheit. Record High Temperature: F = (C x 9/5) + 32 = (32 x 9/5) + 32 = 89.6 Record Low Temperature:   F = (C x 9/5) + 32 = (-17 x 9/5) + 32 = 1.4 Reference:   Accessed on November 22, 2007 Accessed on November 22, 2007   

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Critiquing Current Educational Issues Essay

Matters of education, like any other sociological issues, can cause a lot of controversy if they are handled in a manner that does not represent or take into account the views of all the stakeholders (ABC, 2010). This has been the case with the My school website in this country. Long before the My school website came into operation, support as well as opposition could be clearly witnessed from different stakeholders including teachers, the Australian Education Union (AEU), and the government through the independent Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) which is charged with the responsibility of making available to the public data about schools that is nationally comparable. However, the most controversy has arisen after the website became operational. The issues of contention vary depending on the particular sides embroiled in the debate. However, regardless of the views that are being raised, the effects that the controversy about the My school website has generated have been dire not only to students and their schools but also to teachers in the Australian education curriculum, the parents, as well as investors who need to finance education programs in the country. This paper critically discusses the sociological issues that have surrounded the My school website prior to and after its inception. This is with a view to establishing the extent to which the controversy has affected the various stakeholders in the education sector in the country. The My School Website My school is a website which profiles close to a thousand Australian schools. All these schools may be searched by any interested person or organization using filters such as the location of the school, its sector, or even the name. Perhaps the most important information to be found on the website is that of statistical and contextual nature; but also included is information about the results by the National Assessment Plan for Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). These results allows for comparisons to be done for schools; particularly those that are statistically similar. Therefore, the My school website allows for the searching for schools across the nation; finding local schools in one’s own area; comparing schools that are statistically similar; viewing school-level results by NAPLAN; and identification of schools’ performances so that there is an allowance for sharing successful strategies (Peatling, 2010). Contentious Issues Proponents of My school, who mainly comprise of the government, NAPLAN, and a section of parents, argue that the website has allowed parents and other people an opportunity to assess schools on the basis of key indicators, particularly on literacy and numeracy, so that they can make informed decisions about where to enroll their children. They also argue that through the site parents can monitor the performance of their children and so be better placed to advise them accordingly. The site has also been lauded for bringing together all schools across the nation so that finding information about school performances and other records is no longer difficult (Peatling, 2010). This site, they argue, has enabled the results of schools on national tests to be better understood in a manner that is both meaningful and fair. The site has also enabled schools seeking to enhance their performance to learn from others which have similar populations. By providing extensive information on Australian schools, the My School website introduces a new level of transparency and accountability to the Australian school system. However, the opponents have forwarded a number of critical issues which they believe are actually making the education sector to suffer. The first contention and one which has generated the most opposition is the use of particular indices to rank schools (Peatling, 2010). These indices have apparently failed to present to the public what the actual facts about schools are because it has been proved that some schools that are known widely to be underperformers have been ranked or placed in the same category as other elite schools whose national record has been known by the people to be very high. A notable example that has been widely quoted is the grouping together of Bulli High School, Wollongong, and Trinity Grammar, Summer Hill; as well as ranking of Scotch College which is among the most prestigious schools in the country alongside Epping North Public School. This issue has particularly caused a lot of concern among teachers, led by the Australian Education Union, who have used it to reiterate their allegation that the My school website is deeply flawed and cannot be relied upon for its inaccuracy, invalidity, and incompleteness (Peatling, 2010). Another key issue has been the margin of error that has been identified in the ranking of the schools in the test results by KAPLAN. In some cases, it has been found that the margin of error has been as wide as 34 – pointing out that there was no way the website could be relied on to convey the correct information to the public. From the AEU’s perspective, the site is only a source of conflict and serves to create tension and unnecessary competition among teachers and schools. The union reiterates the need for the education sector to be made rather autonomous so as to avoid events that can compromise the quality of education (Peatling, 2010). AEU holds that tests ought not to be used to rate the student’s ability but only as a means to ascertain where a child or learner is up to. Sociologically, tests results ought to be the secret of the learner because the test was done that one learner alone. Exposing such results to other people, especially when the results are poor, serves to embarrass the learner and cause one to be less confident in school. The overall outcome is a tendency to continue failing in successive tests. Another issue that has raised a storm about the My school website is that it is being used to discriminate against certain ethnic communities, particularly the Aboriginal students (ABC, 2010). This lament, mainly from parents, has stemmed from the system used where schools have been listing the number of Aboriginal students enrolled there as part of the statistics posted on the My school website. This, the parents contend, is discriminatory as it tends to bring to the fore the notion that the Aboriginal students are responsible for the poor performance of schools so that the more of them a school has the lower it is likely to perform on the KAPLAN index. This can never be farther from the truth (ABC, 2010). The Clash Between Government Policy and Public Opinion Even on the international scene, there have been constant clashes between the policy of governments and what the public feels is the best. In matters of education in particular, there has been a series of policy frameworks that governments have put in place without considering their effects on the other stakeholders. For instance, issues regarding the performance of educators in learning institutions like schools and colleges have been hotly contested because while the policy might require teachers and other educators to be appraised based on their performance, the indices used in certain cases never really depict the actual input by these educators. For instance, teachers can be assigned to students who are hard of learning for a reason or more and so such teachers, if rated on the basis of the performance of their students alone, never really get justice done. Similarly, it is not appropriate for the government to continue using indices to rank schools and publishing such information on the My school website without considering other factors. The effect this has on teachers is that they are likely to become demoralized and put less effort in their work for they know the evaluation of their work is not at all fair. For parents, the use of the My school website has had different effects (Peatling, 2010). First, it may help them to ascertain the best performers among schools and so enroll their children in such ones. However, there is another more critical issue about what parents whose children are in poor-performing schools can do. The natural inclination of such parents is to withdraw their children from these poor performing schools and have then enrolled in other schools with better performance indices. This, if allowed, would cause a mass exodus of students from some schools into others, eventually causing another problem of overcrowding and subsequent declining in the quality of education in those schools initially ranked highly. But since the government is not prepared to allow such migrations, continuing to use the My school website might only cause parents a lot of anxiety from knowing that their children might never be able to make it in life because they are in lowly-ranked schools. For the students, they will get discouraged if they learn that their school does not perform well in comparison to others. As AEU has claimed, education is not all about literacy and numeracy but more about individual students’ ability to learn to do many other things in life. Students in lowly-ranked schools might be led into the false belief that their teachers are not competent enough and so give up trying to improve their performance. However, the My school website has had the positive effect of creating a competitive environment in schools so that low performers are compelled to work harder to improve while the best performers try their level best to maintain or improve their performance record (Peatling, 2010). Conclusion The My school website is bound to continue eliciting a lot of debate in the days to come with varying effects on the society, the students, teachers, and the government. What is clear in this debate is that there has been no attempt to have the feuding parties to work together to sort out their differences. Instead, every side has been unilateral in its decisions and has not cared about the implications of its actions on the students, teachers, and parents. While the government is downplaying the opposition to the My school website by AEU and citing it as any other opposition that happens whenever there is change, the fact is that the union has key sociological issues that ought to be addressed if the education standards in this country are to be kept high. Sociologically, therefore, the feuding parties ought to work together to find ways of ironing out their differences before the matter gets out of hand.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Financial strategy Course -case on Mergers & Acquisitions- Essay

Financial strategy Course -case on Mergers & Acquisitions- - Essay Example The kind of acquisition opted for Capita plc is reverse merger which will provide the benefits of public company thus acquired by it. The expectation of Capita related to the increase in the revenue of Capita plc has well been met. The valuation of iSoft at the point of dealing was AUD 28.5 million from the proceeds of the sale of assets. These earnings of the company were mainly to repay the financial dues of the company. As iSoft Business solutions was considered a non-core part of the iSoft group, so the company took the decision to sell it off as thing wing of the company was yielding negative returns. Moreover, further investment in this particular wing of the company may not have been useful. Thus the decision of selling off the company was taken by the management of the company. However, the major success that Capita plc obtained by acquiring iSoft Business solutions was unthinkable. This led to the company to further acquisition of companies expanding its market in varied fie lds. Thus from the study it can be inferred that acquisition is a better option than a merger. Probable decline in the revenue and the rise in the cost of iSoft Business solutions led to the acquisition of the company by Capita plc. Appreciation of the Australian dollar against the Euro was one of the main reasons behind the decline in earnings of iSoft Business solutions. This eroded the revenue of the company by $108 million in comparison to the previous year. In fiscal year 2010, over 70% of the revenues of iSoft’s revenue were denominated in GBP and Euro. Even the other regions in which iSoft Business solutions operated had more or less flat revenue. Thus the company anticipated a large portion of cost towards the revival of the company but the growth in revenues did not materialize. The major portion of the iSoft’s cost being fixed in nature resulted in the decline in the flow of

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Beneficial Bacteria As Probiotics For HIV In Breastfeeding Children Essay

Beneficial Bacteria As Probiotics For HIV In Breastfeeding Children - Essay Example The first study reported in the article is by Ruth Connor and fellow workers whose objectives were to isolate the bacteria responsible for inhibition of HIV infectivity and to determine whether this ability (inhibition of HIV) was due to specific structural components of the bacteria such as the cell wall or instead the soluble chemical composition of the bacteria. The results of the study would prove or fail to prove the hypothetical basis that lactic acid bacteria in breast milk are responsible for the observed inhibition of transmission of the virus to the baby. To do this, the researchers tested 38 strains of different lactic acid bacteria present in the breast milk of healthy women against HIV-1. Heat-killed virus particles and soluble compounds were utilized to take care of the second objective. The results showed that all the strains tested had antiviral potential with the lowest inhibiting the virus by 6.7% while the highest inhibition was 55.5%. The heat-killed whole particl es were, however, more effective with 11 strains achieving an inhibition of 41% and above while only 6 strains of the soluble compounds were inhibitory of which only one strain achieved over 41% inhibition levels. The studies were done in vitro and the results confirm that lactic acid bacteria are indeed responsible for breast milk’s antiviral properties. The implication of the study results is the possibility of production of probiotics to augment maternal milk in maximizing inhibition of the virus. Tao's study, on the other hand, highlights the fact that in vitro inhibitions of only 30-50% are with high concentrations of the

Watching TV Makes You Smarter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Watching TV Makes You Smarter - Essay Example While Johnson makes several relevant points about the new TV shows, there is also missing information about the concept of TV allowing children and adults to be smarter. Even though TV may have new and different focal points, the mass media and popular culture is still focused on aspects of dumbing down society. Johnson’s main ideology is one based off the opinion of TV providing a smarter outlook through various programs; however, there is not significant information or definitions on intelligence and the effects that TV has. The main thesis of Johnson’s article is based on the concept of TV and programs which children and adults watch. Johnson believes that, despite the popular analysis of TV that states that programs lead to higher levels of violence and a lack of intelligence, TV is actually helping to provide children and adults with higher levels of intelligence. Johnson believes that this is coming from ideas of approaching difficult situations and questioning how to make right decisions that are attributed to TV. For instance, looking at perspectives of women who have to face an unwanted pregnancy, individuals who are placed in violent or compromising situations, are relevant to turning toward the correct moral decisions. Johnson states â€Å"There may indeed be more negative messages in the mediasphere today. But that’s not the only way to evaluate whether television shows or video games are having a positive impact. Just as important – is the kind of thinking you have to do † (Johnson, 3). The relation to this is based on morality as well as intelligence within the pop culture and TV. The concept of morality and thinking about issues then relates to intelligence that Johnson believes occurs on several levels. There are several statements about concepts such as newer technologies, intricate plot lines and the associations with

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Wi-Fi Appealing Technology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Wi-Fi Appealing Technology - Assignment Example Some of these technologies are â€Å"the wireless protocols 802.11a, 802.11b, and 802.11g. The Wi-Fi Alliance is the body responsible for promoting the term and its association with various wireless technology standards† (, 2011). The following figure shows how the Wi-Fi technology works. There is a wireless router at the access point that is generating signals within a range that are being identified by the Wi-Fis installed in the laptops, so they can use the Internet service without connecting any cable. The Wi-Fi Technology (David, 2009). 2) Why did you choose this technology I chose the Wi-Fi technology because it has made my life easier and has improved my social networking tendency. Wi-Fi provides me with access to the Internet. I consider Internet as my most fundamental necessity, and Wi-Fi happens to be the most convenient source of Internet so far. I try to remain online for most of my day in which I am awake because it helps me promote social netw orking. In the present age, social networking is the key to success and Internet helps me strengthen that through such social media websites as Facebook, Twitter and Skype. I am able to connect with my friends anywhere anytime as long as I have my Wi-Fi with me. Owing to its importance in my life, I have chosen the Wi-Fi. 3) If you choose a technology that you like, describe what you like about it Internet was important to me even in the days in which I had cable Internet, but that proved quite inconvenient in that I had to remain at the same place in order to use the Internet. I could not move beyond the length of my cable. Plugging in and detaching the cable was no less heck. Besides, I had to adjust the cable every time I sat so as to ensure it does come in anybody’s way. I could not operate Internet on my mobile with the cable connection. I like Wi-Fi because purchasing it has made my life way easier. I could roam about the place anywhere to use the Internet as long as I remained within the range of the Wi-Fi signals, which fortunately is sufficiently wide. Now I can avail the opportunity of using the Internet both on my laptop as well as my mobile. There is no cable that needs to be adjusted, attached or detached. All I need to do to connect the Internet is push a button on the keypad of my laptop or mobile. Although apparently it seems little change since the quality of service has remained unaltered, yet it has improved my productivity manifolds as I am able to connect with my friends more often than ever before. 4) Also describe what you do not like about this technology. What would you aim to improve? Bring ideas! What I don’t like about Wi-Fi is the fact that its charger needs a constant supply of electricity. This puts me in trouble when I have to use it in places where there is no electricity. Carrying the Wi-Fi around is also inconvenient since it is a large device. I would greatly appreciate if the developers could come up with a Wi -Fi device that is as small as a USB flash drive so that I may carry it around in my pocket. Another feature that can enhance its usability manifolds is giving the Wi-Fi device a battery backup with cells. I want to break free of the need to have an electric connection in order to turn my Wi-Fi device on. I don’t know if that is possible, but I would love to have a laptop that has in-built Wi-Fi Internet as a feature. In an ideal world, I would be sitting in the midst of a forest with a laptop on my lap and use the Internet without attaching anything to my laptop. I would not mind if such an Internet service costs me few dollars more! 5) Describe the history of this technology: its development process, inventor(s), people and companies involved in its development and

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Ensuring Employees Pay for Extra Cost of Healthcare Essay

Ensuring Employees Pay for Extra Cost of Healthcare - Essay Example Employers should devise an economic program that would ensure employees compensate the extra cost over premiums spent on lifestyle-related diseases. The following is a proposed framework that employers would use to ensure employees pay for extra costs above the coverage premium spent on lifestyle-related conditions. First, employers should schedule all chronic conditions that are lifestyle-related and contribute to the increase in the cost of the premium. A possible list should include conditions such as diabetes, some forms of cancers, heart disease, and obesity-related illnesses. In order to ensure a robust program, accredited health care professionals should approve the scheduled list of complications and ascertain they are lifestyle-related. The second process in the framework should involve calculations of direct and indirect costs incurred from health-related illnesses. The direct cost calculation is simple and can be estimated based on extra expenditure the company has on inpatient and outpatient services. They include extra expenditure on services including surgeries, radiological processes, laboratory tests, and drug therapies. Indirect costs include an estimation of resources forgone by the firm or company because of a lifestyle-related health condition that affects an employee. The value of lost work because of absenteeism should be calculated based on accumulated wages throughout the period. Other forms of indirect cost include the value of increased insurance incurred by the company because of lifestyle-related conditions.  Ã‚  

Monday, September 23, 2019

Discuss the uses of recombinant DNA technology with respect to Essay

Discuss the uses of recombinant DNA technology with respect to medicine - Essay Example From a medical viewpoint, recombinant DNA technology can have immense potential. For example, many diseases are caused by the lack of certain genes or faulty protein production which leads to impaired functioning of important biochemical pathways. By using recombinant DNA technology to complement those defects and producing the lacking protein it is possible to effectively treat these diseases. An extremely successful example of this particular use is the case of insulin production for the treatment of diabetes. Previously, insulin for treatment used to be isolated from bovine sources, by extracting the pancreatic tissue and purifying insulin from here. However, two major problems are immediately obvious: first, this is extremely labor-intensive, yields are low and therefore it becomes expensive and quantities are limiting, thus treatment becomes an expensive option. Second, due to the exquisite specificity of our immune systems, the bovine protein is immediately differentiated from the human and this could lead to rejection by our immune system. Recombinant DNA using the human gene would solve this problem as the gene and therefore protein would be the human variety and would not be rejected. Second, since cloning is most often done in bacteria which have short doubling times, the massive amplification of the gene and therefore the protein leads to cheaper bulk production and lowers costs. Insulin therefore has become far more available for treatment with the advent of recombinant DNA technology. Growth hormone has also been successfully used this way. Another application of this technology is in the production of vaccines. Historically, the identification of antigens and the production of vaccines against them has been a laborious task. It involved purifying various protein components from viruses or bacteria after culturing them, and testing them in animal subjects to determine their antigenicity. The major problems there were, first, the difficulty in purifying those microbial toxins due to contamination, low concentrations etc., and furthermore, viruses and certain bacteria, like Mycobacterium, are obligate parasites and cannot be grown in vitro cultures in order to purify their components. By cloning their genes via PCR amplification and cloning into bacterial expression hosts, we can circumvent these issues and skip past the rate-limiting step of purification since cloning produces proteins in bulk. This strategy has been used with some success for many viruses, including the HBV virus. (Medscape). However this is not without its own problems when one looks at the evolution of viral antigens and the rate of mutation and development of new strains. Nevertheless DNA technology has speeded up the development of vaccines to a point where we now hold a sporting chance against these diseases. The technology is also used in the field of diagnostics. PCR and other DNA technology techniques are used to determine if people are carriers of cystic fibrosis genes, Huntington's disease gene and to help in gene therapy for these diseases. PCR and DNA

Sunday, September 22, 2019

3 Paragraph Paper About the Novel Night Essay Example for Free

3 Paragraph Paper About the Novel Night Essay Ellie weisel was the survior and author of the book Night. Ellie was born September 30,1928 in Sighet, Romania. He led a life representative of many Jewish children. Growing up in a small village in Romania, his world revolved around family, religious study, community and God. Yet his family, community and his innocent faith were destroyed upon the deportation of his village to the concentration camp in Auschwitz in 1944.Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, which has turned my life into one long night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed. (Elie Wiesel, Night, Ch. 3). Ellie Wiesel survived Auschwitz, Buna, Buchenwald and Gleiwitz. He was let free in 1945 and made his way to Paris and started wrighting his first novel Night. During world war 2 many people were anti-semitism. Anti-semitism means prejudice or hatred of, or discrimination against Jews for reasons connected to their Jewish heritage. Jewish people were blamed for the black pleg. They were also blamed for how bad the economy was. Hitler one of the most famous people during this time was using the jews as a scape-goat to get more votes. A scape-goat is just a group/someone you may put the blame all on.During world war 2 Jewish people were used as scape-goats and at the time of all this if you were German you may have been anti-semitism. One of the most memorable events at this time were The deportation of the jews. The nazis had enough of the jews and were ready to do there final soulation every jewish person with either that star david on them or had the letter J on there id was getting deportated to the concentration camps. See more:Â  The 3 Types of Satire Essay The German authorities used rail systems across the continent to transport, or deport, Jews from their homes, primarily to eastern Europe. German railroad officials used both freight and passenger cars for the deportations. German authorities generally did not give the jews getting deported food or water for the journey, even when they had to wait for days on railroad spurs for other trains to pass. Packed in sealed, suffering from overcrowding, they endured intense heat during the summer and freezing temperatures during the winter. Aside from a bucket, there was no sanitary facility. The stench of urine added to the humiliation and suffering of the deportees. Lacking food and water, many of the deportees died before the trains reached their destinations. Armed police guards accompanied the transports; they had orders to shoot anyone who tried to escape.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Potential Disadvantages Associated With Refurbishment

Potential Disadvantages Associated With Refurbishment Introduction From reading the chapter on the advantages of refurbishment, you could be thinking that refurbishment is the way to go because of all the positives surrounding it like, the social advantages, shorter time scale, environmental considerations, less money etc. But as we all know, for every argument, there is an up side and a down side. This chapter highlights the potential disadvantages, risks and problems that can occur on refurbishment projects so you can see the other side of the coin. To Refurbish or not to Refurbish ?. A fixed price contract to be constructed by a certain date involves alot of risks. These risks include whether the work can be performed at the agreed price, future price increases, weather conditions during the course of construction, competency of the contractors management, supervisors and workers. (Taggart, 2010) All of these risks and potential problems are taken into account on new build and refurbishment projects. But I will only be looking into the whole area of the potential problems and disadvantages that are associated with refurbishment projects, such as: Problems at tender stage. Added Health And Safety Considerations. Difficulty of locating data which requires investigations Added workload required to upgrade to meet existing regulations Problems involved with old/existing components and practices Extremely difficult to define accurate scope of works and accurate programme. 2.1 Problems at tender stage One of the disadvantages that come with refurbishment projects is the difficulty that can arise at tender stage. New build construction holds an advantage in this area as there are more procurement options available on a new build project than on a refurbishment project. This means that the principal disadvantage that refurbishment projects have at tender stage, is that the clients choice of tender options is limited for a number of reasons which will be stated below. An example of a procurement option that realistically would not be viable on a refurbishment project, would be Traditional Lump Sum Tendering. Some of the reasons as to why this would be an inappropriate method of procurement is as follows: It requires the work to be accurately foreseen and detailed (This is difficult on a refurbishment project as scope of work could prove difficult to predict). It fosters confrontation between employer and contractor (This is an important point as flexibility and good working relations are vital on a refurbishment contract). (Murphy, 2007) Another procurement option, which is not viable on a refurbishment project, is Open Tendering. Even though this option ensures maximum competition, there is the disadvantage that tenders may be received from firms who have neither the necessary financial resources nor the adequate technical knowledge and experience involved. Also other disadvantages associated with this type of tendering are that: There is a lack of control by the client over the competency of the builder he is employing. There is a waste of resources when many firms tender for the same job. (Seeley,1976) Even though there are a few options left for tendering on refurbishment projects, there are 2 main types which principally are better (typically on housing projects), which are (1) Selective tendering and (2) Negotiation with a selected contractor (1) Selective Tendering: This option is mainly referred on projects that are of great magnitude and complexity. But if selective tendering is chosen on a basic housing refurbishment scheme then the number of firms invited to tender should be 3 or 4. (2) Negotiation: This should be the principal option on a housing project because there is less time wasting involved. It also offers advantages as it allows for an early start to be made as less time is wasted at tender stage and also where the contractor chosen has exceptional experience of the scope of work covered by the type of work in question. (Seeley,1976)) This section should adequately describe how the limitation of procurement options at tender stage, is a disadvantage associated with the option of refurbishment. 2.2 Added Health and Safety Considerations Another one of the main disadvantages with Refurbishment is the added Health and Safety aspects, which have to be taken into consideration. The reason as to why the area of health and safety is so important is because, on a refurbishment project there are all of the considerations, which occur on a new build site, for example: Scaffolding Working at heights Danger of electrocution Working with dangerous instruments/ machines Danger of falling objects. Etc But also there are many more considerations, which have to be taken into account on a refurbishment project, which will not occur on a new build project, such as: Removal of asbestos Shoring (although this may be needed on rare occasions on new build contracts to support surrounding buildings). Danger of collapsing of old unstable houses Supporting decaying structural members so as to provide a safe place of work Danger of existing services All of these considerations are added to the general considerations, which means that the health and safety risk is almost doubled on refurbishment projects. I will address these health and safety considerations in much more detail in a separate chapter later on in this dissertation. 2.3 Difficulty of locating data, which requires investigations Another Disadvantage of refurbishing buildings is, the fact that when it comes to refurbishing older houses and buildings it is very difficult to locate data on the existing building which means that many different inspections and surveys must be carried out on the building before any type of works can commence which causes a loss in time and also these investigations and surveys can cost a lot of money to carry out, as the reports of these surveys can determine the scope and nature of the works to be carried out. There are many reasons as to why a survey is required, when a house or building is being refurbished such as: To prepare a measured drawing of the building to enable a scheme for alterations, improvements or extensions to be prepared. To advise on the repair and preservation of a building (including listed buildings). Work to be carried out to satisfy the requirements of the local or other authority, i.e. dangerous structure notices or public health notices. To prepare plans in connection with party wall agreements. This is usually required where alterations to a party wall are contemplated. (Noy, 1997) As you can see from above these surveys require great detail and could take a long time to carry out and also for the results to be drawn up which proves to be a large disadvantage. The procedure, which is involved in a typical survey of a house, is described below. Here is an example of a typical investigation procedure, which would be carried out on a typical 2-storey dwelling house. A preliminary inspection of the whole property to familiarise the surveyor with the type and layout. A detailed inspection of the main roof space and any subsidiary roof voids which are accessible. A room-by-room inspection at each floor level starting from the topmost floor. Inspection of accessible basements, cellars and sub floor areas. An examination of the elevations, including structure and finishes. Inspection of the site boundaries, outbuildings and surroundings. An examination of the elevations, including structure and finishes. Examination and testing of drainage and services. (Glover, 2001) You can see from above that these procedures must be carried out by a very competent and qualified person with an acquired knowledge of old properties and refurbishment techniques. Invariably it could cost you a large amount of money as well as time, depending on the complexity and size of the dwelling house in question. 2.4 Added workload required to upgrade to meet existing regulations. This is another potentially large disadvantage, as there can be a large possibility that the problem of the amount of work that is required to upgrade to meet regulations could cause you a lot of hardship and difficulties on refurbishment projects as there are so many regulations and requirements to comply with, that it could end up costing the client a lot of extra time and money depending on the age and condition of the building. Here, is a list of the main parts of the building regulations, which the building that is being refurbished will have to conform with: Part A- Structure Part B- Fire Safety Part C- Resistance to Moisture Part E- Sound Part F- Ventilation Part L- Conservation of Fuel and Energy Part M- Access for the Disabled Because there are so many parts to comply with, it could prove to be more beneficial to demolish and rebuild a house rather than refurbish the existing building as the costs involved in upgrading the building may result in the refurbishment project spending way over budget, and the client wishing that he had demolished and rebuilt the house rather than refurbishing it. This is why this particular section can prove to be a disadvantage of the refurbishment option. Because of the importance of this section I will be describing the whole area of upgrading buildings to meet regulations in a later chapter in this dissertation. 2.5 Problems involved with old/ existing practices. A large advantage that new build construction has over refurbishment is, because you are totally building a new structure from scratch, there are no problems associated with interaction between old building, temporary works, services and new work as well as having to match existing components with new components. (Murphy, 2007) This may not be a problem when refurbishing newer properties, but for example if you were refurbishing an old house with architectural details such as: old craft processes and old style antique details that are intended to be maintained and restored as well as repeated by the client in the refurbishment project that is to be undertaken, then this will cause many hold ups and time lost on the overall programme as well as much more money being spent because of the following reasons: Old processes such as specialist plastering and antique joinery are very time consuming and costly to reproduce because of the specialist nature of these processes. There are not many contractors around which carry out these types of old crafts which means that you could be a long time waiting. Because of the hold ups in these areas the rest of the project will suffer as a result, so therefore the project could drastically fall behind in time and could also go way over budget. This whole area could prove to be a big disadvantage if you are refurbishing a project under similar restrictions and restraints but these types of refurbishment are very rare unless you are refurbishing a listed building, but I will not be going into detail in the whole area of listed buildings in this dissertation. 2.6 Extremely difficult to define accurate scope of works and accurate programme. In my opinion, this problem is probably one of the biggest disadvantages associated with refurbishment as it affects the project in a lot of different fields. Firstly, when the scope of works and the programme cannot be specifically defined or finalised, then it means that there could be difficulties with regards to tendering and also planning as the contractor does not know for definite, what type of project that he is getting himself into. Secondly, if a particular detail occurs that is different from the planning specifications, then an investigation by the planning authorities may occur, which would directly affect the project. The statement Extremely difficult to define accurate scope of works and accurate programme can be proved by looking at the situations, which affect this problem that are: Late discovery of new circumstances: this is a feature that can occur on any size or type of refurbishment project. For example if you are refurbishing a house and you discover late into the project that you find that some aspect of the project does not comply with standards or regulations, which in turn means that alterations to the scope of works and maybe changes to plans will have to be carried out. Something like this could totally change the programme of the job and also the final accounts. Discovery of unforeseen conditions possible for almost entire project: This problem is another factor that proves the difficulty involved with trying to draw up an exact scope of works and programme. Even though a general site investigation may have been carried out at the start of the project, it is still entirely possible that unforeseen conditions may appear throughout the project. Some of these conditions may include: late discovery of decaying structural members, late discovery of absence of wall insulation,, dpc etc. Late discoveries similar to these are a constant feature of refurbishment work, that add to the problem of producing an accurate scope of works and programme for the project. After reading this section the reasons are apparent as to why an accurate scope of works and accurate programmes are very hard to predict due to the reasons stated above. You can also see how these areas in turn, affect other aspects of the project such as tendering, procurement and the adequate selection of a contractor for a refurbishment project.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Impact of tourism on wildlife

The Impact of tourism on wildlife Impact of tourism on wildlife Since humans began to interact with animals they have always been fascinated by them. The animals give al, they live with there instincts and there way of living. If we see a animal that I hurt we want to help, and if one come up to you and look at you with there eyes that say I am hungry, how can you not help them? The way of using animals for tourist have been going on for many years. People having elephants that can do trick and monkeys that you can hold. Humans toke animals in to circuses and showed them of so that we could see that they were not that dangerous. So when humans al over the world got use to having animals in animals parks or at the circuses they need more. So to interact with animals in the wild was the next step, to have a photo of you feeding a cut koala or petting a tiger. That is were the wild life tourism is to day, with live interactions. The reason that it is big and that people want to do this thing is because over history with animals make us want to do th ings with them. Animals is a very good attraction (Reynolds and Brathwaite 2001), the travelling circuses knotweed that 100 of years ago, and it still works, have a interesting animal and people come for it. The easiest to show this is to think about what symbols is used with big companies to marketing there products for example the panda for WWF and the bull for red bull. The cute panda that everyone associates with helping the planet and a bull that make you think that drinking it makes you strong as a bull. So in this essay we will be looking at the impact that the wildlife tourism have and have had on the animals. Key points: The negative effect wildlife tourism have on animals are the effects of feeding animals, cars in parking lots that might injury or kill animals and habitat changes. The positive effect is when the wildlife interactions are under proper supervision there will be a financial contribution, and also education to the tourist and the people helping. So to see why this effect are fighter negative or positive lets look deeper on the different aspects. The wildlife tourisms biggest problem is when the animals get to used to being around people, when the peoples point with the trip is to get as close as possible, and in many cases to feed the animals (Orams 1996). What tourist do when they feed wild animals is that they changes there natural behaviors and then the future for the animals (Marint and R’eale 2007). What happens is that the young animals/ next generations learn from the beginning that humans give food. The adult animals will not teach the young ones how to find there oven food and they will relay on humans. So what happens when one animals attack for food and the managers forbid al feeding. How can the animals then find food if humans stop feeding them? Is this really the way we want the wild animals to behave? Do we want them to be pets as well, to have all the animals obeying the human? As already stated one problem with feeding animals is that they can become aggressive if they don’t get enough food, or that more dangerous animals come in to camping ground to find food from trashcans and in the peoples tenths and caravans. The one that suffer from this is not the humans, it is the animals, they can get bad food. They way to handle the animals that don’t fit in to the standards set by humans is to take them away. Ether by relocate them or to put them to sleep, humans have change the nature, and are saying that the nature have to follow the changes. An other thing that can happen is that the animals get direct injury or death by cars (Green and Higginbottom 2000). That animals at parking lots that have gotten used to get food at cars will go up to the cars and them and get hit by them (wallabies on cradle mountain national park in Tasmania, skira and smith 1991). This is a big impact since in most cases the animals die, what can be done is that if it used to be a popular area to feed the animals to put up signs so that the new tourist know that they are not allowed to feed the animals. Also to show them that there are wild animals in the area so the look where they are going, it is hard to see behind the car, but if the people are more aware of the animals they might not miss them. But Humans don’t only accidental kill the animals, they also interfering and go in to the animals habitats. That disturbs the animals behavior and inducing more stress in to there normal life (Green and Higginbottom 2000). There have been a lot of studys made that proves that when the animals here human, get photo taken of them and have cars stop close there stress levels get higher. So they then spend more energy on moving away from humans instead on their growth or reproduction (shaughnessy 2008 and Courbis 2007). The main impact that humans have on animals when it comes to interfering is changing their habitat. That can happens in many of ways, one is to make the environment more friendly to humans like putting in walking or driving roads roads. This is bad, because if many humans walk on the road the animals will move away to be left alone, then the new road have to be made to get to then animals. The problem when not bilding walking tracks is that the tourist will w alk to the animals the way they can, so it can be the fast or the one that everyone els walks. It will still be a big impact ether way, because if people walk their oven way more of the habitat will be affected. But with walking tracks normal paths for the animals can be cut off. The effect that new drive roads can have is that people can get to the animals essayer. That will give higher speed on the cars and busses, more road kills and more contamination of gases from the cars. It will also give a higer presur on the location that it can handle more people, like car parks and trash caring. The biggest problem when people are coming in to the animals habitat is that they want to go beyond the barriers. So the fact that in national parks the guides are not well paid, so they will break the law of the park if the visitor bribes them with money (Sekhar 2003). This often happens so the tourist can go closer to the animals and that disturbs the animals more. The way to stop this is to pa y the guides more and educate them so the know why it is bad for the animals. Even draw the parallel to that if the animals get disturb to much they might move away and the guide can loss their small income. One other problem that the wild life industry have is to measure the impact. That the animals get more street by human presents is a fact (Courbis 2007 and Shaughnessy 2008). But that is the only way of measuring it there are still animals that will come closer to the people to get food. One way of dealing with this is to use the precautionary principle, this is a principle that implies that there is a responsibility to protect the humans from exposure to harm where scientific investigation discovers a possible risk (Matthee, Vermersch 2000 and Orams 2002). So the principle is to be carefully when in this case staring a wildlife tourism. Is it known that animals can attack, and injury them self or/and the people. So to work with wild animals there need to be some precaution to protect both the animals and the humans. This principle is use not only by wildlife tourism, but in every way it is needed. One thing that management and evolution of the al tourism have given is wisdom, so that humans don’t keep on doing the same mistake over and over again. As said by Reynolds P, Braithwaite D (2001) that the problem with the precautionary principle it that people operation after the precautionary principle where not understood by the people coming to see the animals. And when the recognition with that it is the best way of managing something is gone the managing falls. The positive effects are fewer then the negative one, but that makes them no less important, since it is them that will help the wildlife tourisms. The financial help is the major factor that keeps the wildlife tourism working. The entry fees and guide tours contribute to some of the conservation for the animals and there habitat. That the tourist se that the money goes back to protect the animals and also to the people that work to help them. The problem is often that the rangers and other people working don’t see the money since it goes in to the government and then back to the parks. So they can ´t see how the fees are contributing to their work wish would be a reason why it is easy to bribe some of them. The fact that the workers are not well paid is a reason that they are easy to bride as said above, what to do about that? It is hard to change how money gets distributed, the reason that there is protections is for the animals, so the money should go to them. But when th e one that should follow the rules to protect the animals break them because of money, maybe more of the money should go to them so they will protect the animals better. There can always be a debate on were the money should be spend, but in the end, money will be a good help to help the tourism industry to work. For example when tourist pays to go out on boats to see whales or to dive at protected places, there is a extra fee to pay. That money goes back to the mangier that will keep the protection and be able to see that the industry is interact in with the animals the right way. The other positive effect that the tourism industries have is education. To give to the visitors so that they know how they are helping the animals and can be spread the knowledge’s around. There is no better way to spread something then to from mouth to mouth. Education will also make the people to see that it is a wild animals and not a pet. That the wild animals should live like they are not to be petted or feed. If people want to feed wild animals they should go to animal parks, not in to the wild where the animals later will be the one suffering. So to educate everyone, the rangers/ park workers and the tourist is the best way to get more people aware of the problem that can occur with wild animals. When looking at the effect that tourist have on the wild life it looks like the negative is more and have a bigger effect on the outcome then the positive. That is not the entire truth and the reason for that is the money. Tourism is one of the most money making industry. The tourism brings a lot of money in to the governments and have a huge impact on countries economy, so to have a tourism that draw people is important. As said above animal is a good way to market your product, and have always fascinated humans. So to have a big wildlife tourism is important for the economy of the world, so to stop is not the way to go, but to have it sustainable and a good managing plan is important. A lot of the negative effects have been pointed out above to be solved by relocating the animals or killing them. This is not a good method, why should the animal suffer when the humans change the natural way of things? The people were the ones going in to the forest giving animals food, or leving foo d scraps behind. The people are the ones that are changing everything in the first place and then we blame the animals for it. So to solve this good managing need to be dune to help the animals live in there habitat as they are mean to live. To stop humans from changing the environment for the animals and then blaming them for not adapting Reynolds and Brathwaite (2001) said that controlling the encounters it the best way. And that leads back to the management and that they have to solve the problem that humans started by feeding and wanting to get close to wild animals. One thing that have been mentions above is management, that to have a wildlife interaction the management have to be good. But what can they do? Looking at the negative effects that wildlife tourism can have there is a lot to be work on. That is not the case. Most of the negative effects have been work in since the where detected. Speed limits on road were wild animals might be present or fence put up and special animal rout to get a cross have been made. In most place were animals still get feed by humans they have restricted the amount of food that will be distributed so they animals still need to find food some were else. Also what Cinner and Aswani (2007) did was to get the local people to be involved to conserve there recourses. If the people living in the area and the tourist know the problem a lot of the problem is not there to begin with. So the education that is there is a fine managing plan, if the tourist know more before they get to the animals they will be lest likely to do the stupid things like petting a wild animal. So good management is the key to success. With the management the education of people comes to be, one of the best example on this is how people that where living on collection souvenirs of the animals for tourist. Like getting sea horses from the sea, or hunting gorillas to trade with their meat. Got educated and told that they where destroying their lively hood. That go them thinking and with help they instead focused on protection there resource and get more tourist to come and see it instead of selling it of and losing it al in the end. The key point to see in this is that when it comes down to the wild life industry. The people working with it and the tourist coming to enjoy it is that first word, wild. The reason people go in boat out to see and interact with whales or in to the jungle to see giant pandas (Guangming 2008) is to see and be with them in there natural habitat. One more thing to point out is natural. What happened a lot in the beginning with the interactions between humans and animals where that humans tried to change the natural way of things. The nature where here before humans, and will be here after humans if people don’t destroy it before they are gone. Conclusion. There are some problems that make interactions with wild animals both hard and dangerous. One is that wildlife tourism is having a lot of different components in it, so management is hard. As talk above that tying to us the precautionary principle is good, but it needs to be shown of in a good way, with education. We should not be able to feed or pet animals to keep the wild, when people accept that the conservation can be done in a bigger scale. The management are of the wild life tourism is what is helping the animals the most, since to protect them from being souvenirs or in captivity keep them alive and in the wild. Humans are trying to restore what have been lost and help the animals, and even though to leave the animals alone to be wild, might be the best for the animals, the money and educations that the wildlife tourism gives back to humans is what will save the industry and the animals in the end. 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V.12 no.1 59-70 Nagothu Udaya Sekhar 2003: Local people’s attitudes towards conservation and wildlife tourismaround Sariska Tiger Reserve, India Journal of Environmental Management no. 69 pp. 339–347 Orams M 1996: Conceptual model of tourist-wildlife interaction : the case for education as a management strategy, Australian geographer vol.27 no.1 pp. 39-51 Orams M 2003 : Feeding wildlife as a tourism attraction: a review of issues and impacts. Tourism Management 23 281–293 Reynolds P, Braithwaite D 2001. Towards a conceptual framework for wildlife tourism Tourism Management no.22 31-42 Shaughnessy, Nicholls, Briggs 2008: Do boats afffect fur seals at montague island, new south wales? Tourism in marine enviorments vol. 5 no 1 15-27 Skira, Smitsh 1991 feeding wildelife in narionalparks. South australia regional seminar on national parks and wildelife management, Tasmanina.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Cancer and NMR Spectroscopy Essay -- Biology

Cancer is a disease that will most likely affect each and every one of us throughout our lives. There are approximately 560,000 people that die from cancer each year. To put it in perspective, between 1/4 and 1/3 of all Americans will die from this deadly disease. These statistics could be greatly reduced if people would stop smoking. Approximately 35% of all cancer cases are direct results of tobacco use. Many people do not fully understand what cancer really is. Cancer is simply a mutation in the cells which causes them to replicate continuously without bond. Many people relate cancer with tumors, and rightly so. A tumor is basically just a lump of mutated cells which eventually grows so big that it blocks the functions of the organs around it (a benign tumor) or begins to invade tissues surrounding it (a malignant tumor). Although there has been extensive research concerning cancer, nothing has been found that can cure cancer 100%. The reason for this is because a cancer tumor carries many different cancer cells. Every cancer cell reacts differently to each method of treatment, so while chemotherapy may kill some cancer cells in a tumor, other "subpopulations" of cells in the same tumor may not be affected at all. Another problem with cancer is that the cancer cells are able to travel throughout the body, an event known as metastasis. This means that cancer cells in the breast or lung are able to travel to the heart. This means that the cancer can spread throughout the body very easily, making treatment very difficult. While we have no true cures for cancer, there have been a few methods of treatment that have been somewhat successful. One such treatment is the drug cyclophosphamide (which is actually converted to 4-hydro... ...solution, nonradioactive method (NMR), the metabolites can be monitored noninvasively. NMR spectroscopy basically allows one to look at certain certain nuclei, such as phosphorus and carbon, and show resonance. Since there are high levels of both of these elements in cancer cells, the NMR method allowed for clear observation of GSH levels. In addition to cancer cells, many other cell lines have high levels of metabolites containing phosphorus and carbon. With this in mind, NMR spectroscopy is clearly the tool of the future for noninvasive observations of cells. Namely, it can be used for studying molecular dynamics, kinetics, microstructures, and equilibrium levels of chemical reactions. Through the use of more advanced methods and technology such as NMR, medical researchers can begin to piece together the puzzles of biology and medicine within the human body.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Carson McCullers - Exploring the Depths of the Human Heart :: Biography Biographies Essays

Carson McCullers   - Exploring the Depths of the Human Heart      Ã‚  Ã‚   "With poignant insight and compassion Carson McCullers (1917-1967) wrote of human loneliness, unfulfilled love, and the frailty of the human heart."    Of all the characters in the work of Carson McCullers, the one who seemed to her family and friends to be most like the author herself was Frankie Addams: the vulnerable, exasperating, and endearing adolescent of The Member of the Wedding who was looking for the "we of me." However, Carson once said that was, or became in the process of writing, all the characters in her work. This is probable true of most real writers who often with pain draw from their unconscious what the rest of us would just as soon keep hidden from ourselves and others. So accept the fact that Carson was not only Frankie Addams but J.T. Malone, Miss Amelia, and Captain Penderton; but familiarity with the work that she was not able to finish would only be only a partial clue to who and what she was. This was not simply because she had not finished what she had to say, but that she was the artist, and as she often quoted, "Nothing human is alien to me."    So many people were unable to acknowledge Carson's constant closeness to death, and many more resented her for trying to make them face it, but she had lived through enough close calls to convince everyone that she was indestructible.    Carson saw her life one way and those intimate with her often perceived it differently. Intentionally or unintentionally, she added to the confusion about herself. An interviewer was more likely to be cannily interviewed than to extract an interview from her. Besides, she simply liked a good story and frequently embellished the more amusing ones of her life. The one person who singled out this quality in a particularly loving way was Tennessee Williams in his unpublished essay "Praise to Assenting Angels":    The great generation of writers that emerged in the twenties, poets such as Eliot, Crane, Cummings, and Wallace Stevens, prose-writers such as Faulkner, Hemingway, Fitzgerald, and Katharine Anne Porter, has not been succeeded or supplemented by any new figures of corresponding stature with the sole exception of the prodigious young talent that first appeared in 1940 with the publication of her first novel, The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Reasons of The Unjustified Crusades Essay

During the middle ages, there have been multiple crusades that happened all over the Middle East. The Crusades were missions led by nobles. All of these crusades were meant to liberate and conquer Jerusalem or also called â€Å"The Holy City†. The first crusade out of the four main crusades came out as a success. The first crusade did conquer Jerusalem at first until it was taken back from them. The other three main crusades ended up as a failure, but the most embarrassing crusade was the fourth for the Christian crusaders fought, attacked and killed other Christians, then stole and looted from the city of Constantinople. Christians believed that they were justified because they thought they were protecting other Christians from the Muslim Turks who were attacking Christian property and being tortured. And, the Crusaders did what the pope said which was believed to be close to Gods words. Christian Pilgrims once were allowed to Jerusalem for a toll but they were robbed, killed , beaten, etc. There were reports of violent attacks on the Christian pilgrims. The Muslims in the other had their own reason that made more sense that the Crusade was unjustified. They’re a vast range of factors on whether the Crusades were justifies or not justified. For the Christians the Crusades is to be justified because of several reasons. The real purpose of the Crusades was to conquer Jerusalem. â€Å"The first crusade was the most successful in that it actually accomplished what it set out to do-conquer Jerusalem†, (Capture) said an unknown witness of the Crusade. It was the most successful crusade. It became a convincing idea to the Roman Catholics. Once the Muslims took over Jerusalem, the Christians thought that the holy land was filled with Turks and Arabs. So, the Pope said it God’s will to go on a Crusade against the Muslims. â€Å"All who die by the way, whether by land or by the sea, or in battle against the pagans, shall have immediate remission sins. This I grant them through the power of God with which I am invested,†(Urban II). Pope Urban II himself during the Council at Clermont said this. This encouraged the Europeans to go the Crusades. Before the first Crusade, Al Hakim, an Egyptian ruler, â€Å"ordered  the destruction of the holy sepulcher†. (Al-Hakim-Wikipedia). The Egyptian ruler, Al hakim ordered the destruction of the holy sepulcher which when done, it threatened the Christians and its a property to the Christians which this relates to why the Crusades were launched. The Pope also commanded the Christians to liberate Jerusalem and to kill the vile race so, these points could be argued that the Christian Crusades were justified. Now looking at the Muslim perspective, Muslims believed that the Crusades were not justified at all due to certain factors. One of it is that there were knights in Spain and Italy who ‘took the cross’ and killed Muslims rather than traveling to the holy lands. The pope directly said to the knight that the to kill the Muslim served a high purpose just as regaining control over Jerusalem. â€Å"The clearest sign possible sign of this lies in Urban’s own actions at the very start of the crusading movement: knights who ‘took the cross’ in Spain and Italy were encouraged to fight the Muslims of those areas rather than traveling to the holy lands†(Muslims). The fact that some Knights went to Italy and Spain were encouraged to fight the Muslims proves that the Knights were violent rather than focusing on liberating the ‘holy lands’. Secondly, during the first crusade, there were â€Å"thousands of peasants† and they all had a â€Å"desire to escape their squalid condition† meanwhile, those who were not peasants were mostly the youngest males of the family. They would go because they were â€Å"looking for land and a position in society†. (Textbook page 182 paragraphs 6). This is undeniable evidence that the Knights were on pursuit for personal gain rather than a religious war. The injustice of the crusades is also fed by the fact that the Crusaders who also killed other Christians who were considered to be ‘foreigners’ in the holy lands. This became a major weak point when the Crusaders invaded the holy lands. By all this, the Crusades were totally unjustified because of the Crusades who were focused on gaining personal needs. The reason of why the Crusades were mostly not justified outweighs the reasons of how they were justified. But there are some examples that the Christians have the right to go on the Crusades. The reason is that the Christians showed restraint for many years when their pilgrims were harassed and threatened by the Muslims. Another example of why the Christians could  be said that their acts are justified is because they followed the pope’s orders, which is a bit of a lame excuse comparing to the Muslims side of un-justification. But the Muslims have a stronger argument. Beha-ed-Din a member of Saladin’s court claims that King Richard broke his truce. â€Å"King broke his promises to them and made open display of what he had till now kept hidden in his heart, by carrying out intended to do after he had received the money and the Frank prisoners. It is thus that people of his nation ultimately admitted†, (Slaughter) said Beha-ed-Din. This proved that the Christian leader were untrustworthy. By weighing these two arguments, the Muslim side appears to make more sense. This eventually leads to the decision of the Crusades to be justified. Overall, this is important because we need to know history of the Crusades. Some connections is peasants relating to poor families because, they both join the military in search for a better life or a sense of adventure. Americans could say they are preventing another attack like 9/11 and likewise to the Christian Crusaders. Although, some could argue that the Americans act of violence and the death of many innocent Muslims can be blamed on the US military. Plus, the crusades is also mainly based one’s bias in some cases, A Christian guy would say that the Crusades was justified whereas a Muslim would say the Crusades were totally not justified. Meanwhile, a Hindu for example would say neither side is justified. There is no exact proof of whether the Christians or the Muslims were right. In time the real facts seem to fade and modern historians came up with theories that would fill in the gaps for the war that raged nearly a millennia ago.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Belonging Essay Essay

Text One: The China Coin. The China Coin is a short fiction novel for adolescents composed by Allan Baillie, released in 1991. The text explores the instinctive human need we feel to belong culturally, within our family and to belong to a peer group. Following the life of an Eurasian teenager named Leah and her mother, Joan, as they journey to China in search of the missing half of a broken coin, which Joan’s father sent her before he passed away. The coin is the only connection the women have left with their lost family in China. Upon searching for the coin, the characters are not only discovering their extensive family, but the history behind it, giving them an ultimate sense of identity and belonging, bringing a positive change in both characters’’ mindsets. A relevant concept is that belonging may emerge through a person, object or place to enrich a community or group. A massive element of belonging within the text is the symbolism of the half-coin. A quote from page 35 states: â€Å"This broken coin has been in our family for a long time. The other half of the coin is kept by the family in our ancestral village. Perhaps the coin should become one again.† Outlining the coin acting as a connecting passageway between the members of the family, and showing the enrichment stowed upon the group. Baillie has used symbolism to portray self identity and cultural identity, much like the Simple Gift. â€Å"†¦and I looked up into the sky, the deep blue sky that Old Bill and I shared.’ (page.205) also indicates this connecting passageway through an object shared between individuals like Baillie. Another connection item in ‘The Simple Gift’ is the key Old Bill gives to Billy, symbolizing the key to all of Billyâ€⠄¢s problems, and also metaphorically unlocking the door to his future. Metaphors are also used in ‘The China Coin’. Metaphors are used to paint visual images, page 16 is a good example of this. â€Å"I am a giant, she thought.† This quote explains the self belonging issues Leah is experiencing. The idea that appearance effects how you belong is a strong and relatable one to the target audience of adolescents, giving insight that for a lot of young people, this is a firm and struggling issue.  This particular metaphoric example, is also a useful personal insight to how the character is feeling. Another successful way to directly express personal insight is through inner monologues. Baillie has used this particularly strongly on page 158. Quoting: â€Å"How long have you been here?†¦six weeks from that neurotic kid that feared her mother was going to throw some sort of spell to make her Chinese, but you’re not not Chinese either. It doesn’t matter anymore.† This extract reflects Leah’s feelings about her growing acceptance of her Chinese heritage in Red Star Village. The readers watch Leah progress from feeling as though she doesn’t belong in China but identified strongly with her Australian and European links. Leah was ‘not Chinese’, but the viewers watch as the experiences and contacts with friends and family in China change her outer appearance and she realizes it no longer matters. Inner monologues our personal thoughts emphasise the personal view of the character, ‘The Simple Gift’ displays numerous of th ese as the text is written in first person from alternating characters point of views. ‘The China Coin’ by Allan Baillie really exemplifies the ambition to belong, particularly in family and cultural groups, but also within a peer group, through symbolism, metaphors and personal statements, much like the prescribed texts, and selected other related texts.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Bra Boys And Belonging Essay

â€Å"Belonging is not simply about the well-being of an individual. Belonging allows humans to overcome great obstacles and moments of adversity†. Every human being possesses the urgent need to belong, to gain the strength of others and to fit into society. It is in our basic nature, our history supporting the human will to belong, as tribes were formed, urban environments assembled and modern societies bringing individuals into a group as one. A sense of belonging gives us the strength to move forward, the mental and physical support of others and allows us to feel accepted. Sunny Abberton’s documentary Bra Boys depicts the impact of belonging along with the obstacles his family and friends faced. A film conveying the struggles within the Maroubra area in the 80s/90s, that allows us to experience the connections made within the Bra Boys â€Å"surf gang† and the challenges that they are faced with. The Bra Boys demonstrate that a sense of belonging can in fact impact us to overcome great challenges, and that no matter how dire your situation, there will always be somewhere for you to belong. Humans are faced with tests throughout their lives, some more fortunate than others. In the Maroubra community it seemed most of the kids had grown up in uncomfortable situations, most of the Bra Boys parents being drug users, alcoholics, or violent. The Maroubra adolescent community seemed to have a dark lure hanging over it, violence and hardship following those who tried to belong. Gangs formed as a result and the streets became dangerous at night. â€Å"Growing up we had a lot of crazy things happen like guns held to our heads, chased down the street with people shooting at us, all sorts of things, but its good it turned us into what we are† admits Koby Abberton. One Bra Boys explains how he walked around the streets with a bat down his pants because you always had to be prepared for the worst when you were walking at night by your self. It was dangerous events like these that made Ma’s seem so safe, like nothing could ever hurt them there. Ma was the Abberton boys’ grandmother, a gentle and generous woman who opened her arms and home to all the young and struggling children associated with the Abberton boys. Most of these boys came from broken families, somewhere they  couldn’t really call home. Ma provided them with a place that was the next best thing to a home, a family of friends, somewhere that would bring the boys together into a brotherhood. They soon formed a group called ‘Ma’s hell team’ which was the beginning of it all, the beginning of the Bra Boys. Connections with people, places and the larger world can provoke a sense of belonging within ourselves, influencing where we search for meaning in our lives, and ultimately, where we belong. The Bra Boys forge connections amongst themselves by exploring each other’s passions and loyalty. It is ultimately the surfing community/beach life that brings the boys together. The beginning of the documentary presents the surfing culture, diving directly into the heart of these boy’s lives. The viewer is presented with live footage, magazine cover pages and newspaper articles to express the success and enjoyment the Bra Boys share towards the sport. Another scene featuring cross cutting strings together shots of the Bra Boy’s handshake, celebrating their literal connections to one another. The Bra Boys are all blessed with a passion of surfing, somewhere they could escape together, and without that place to free their minds and have fun sharing a hobby together, they may not have formed such sturdy bonds as they possess today. The connections we make determine how we grow and develop. Along with be being connected, acceptance has a large impact on our lives and wellbeing. Being a Bra Boy comes with responsibility, one being to accept your brothers and be there for them no matter what. Acceptance allows us to gain confidence in our lives. Without the fulfillment of fitting in human beings tend to grow lonely and feel as though they don’t belong. With that sense of approval, we can acknowledge ourselves and achieve more. Bra Boys is a documentary which greatly highlights the impact of being accepted within a certain community. Spending their days surfing and hanging out with friends, the bra boys allow us to appreciate the greater prospects of belonging. Koby Abberton, main Bra Boy, describes to the viewer how important their ‘gang’ is: â€Å"if one of the boys calls, no matter what you’re doing you come†. This depicts to us how strong and important their brotherhood is. The song â€Å"My Brothers Keeper† featured in the film, written by Jamie Holt, backs up a bond of brothers such as the Bra Boys. â€Å"My brothers, we are in  intertwined†¦. these ties shall bind us† is sung to describe the acceptance of one another and words how their ‘gang’ is literally bound to one another. â€Å"My Brothers Keeper† is also symbolized as tattoos across various Bra Boys chests. Bra Boys shows a great example of how important acceptance is in our lives and the pride it can bring to us. The Bra Boys demonstrate that that their group also accepts many multi-cultured or religious Australians. Cultural acceptance can be a huge issue within our society today. Cultures and religions can shape humans into what they believe to be their better self. There are many issues revolved around religions clashing or which god should be worshipped. No matter what you believe in or put your faith in we are all human beings and should find the strength to accept each other for who we are. Towards the end of the documentary an issue is displayed for the viewer, on such as the Cronulla race riots, brings to our attention a so-called â€Å"war† between Anglo Australians and Lebanese Australians. â€Å"One of the things ma taught us was to not judge people by how much money they had, or their skin colour, but by what type of person they were, perhaps it was ma’s wisdom that would prepare us for yet another dramatic turn in our beach community† say Sunny Abberton. Footage, images, narration and Police radio communication depict the violence that occurred. We are shown how the aggressive behavior in Cronulla makes its way to Maroubra, and how the Bra Boys gather to protect their community. After the attacks the Bra Boys decide to broker a peace deal between the warring factions. We are shown a 9 News interview where Sunny Abberton states â€Å"Maroubra’s had a very good relationship with the local Lebanese community here for around 10 years, we’re calling for calm on the beaches†. The Bra Boys wanted the ethnic community to feel accepted and wanted them to know that they did in fact belong at Maroubra beach, which is one of the most multicultural areas in Australia. The Bra Boys itself is filled with a number of different racial members, their powerful concept of belonging has transcended racial hatred. Bra Boys is a powerful documentary portraying many concepts of belonging. It shows us an authentic reality of how brutal life can be and that a group as strong as theirs can help to overcome such issues. No matter what they  faced, they had each other. They showed us how important a powerful bond is, and the positive impact a sense of belonging can make. Some of the Bra Boys say the surf saved them, some say Ma did, but ultimately, they saved each other.