Sunday, December 29, 2019

Using the Spanish Pronoun ‘Nada’

Nada is the usual Spanish pronoun meaning nothing—but because double negatives are common in Spanish, the word nada can often be translated as anything. Nada Meaning Nothing When nada indeed means nothing, usually as the subject of a sentence, the use of nada is straightforward for English speakers: Nada es mejor que la maternidad. (Nothing is better than motherhood.)Nada es mà ¡s importante en este momento de nuestra historia. (Nothing is more important at this time in our history.)Nada puede cambiarme. (Nothing can change me.)Nada tiene mà ¡s vida que las cosas que se recuerdan. (Nothing has more life than the things that are remembered.)Nada es lo que parece. (Nothing is what it seems.)No quiero participar en la discusià ³n sobre nada importante.  (I dont want to participate in the discussion about nothing important.) When  the Verb With Nada Is Negated However, when nada is the object of a verb, it is normal for the verb itself to be negated. Therefore, when translating such sentences, you usually have to translate nada as anything or something similar, or use the verb in a positive form. In the following examples, either translation is acceptable: No hay nada mà ¡s. (There isnt anything more. There is nothing more.)Este congreso no sirve para nada. (This Congress isnt worth anything. This Congress is worthless.)El manifestante hablà ³ dos horas sin decir nada. (The protester spoke for two hours without saying anything. The protester spoke for two hours and said nothing.)No hay nada mà ¡s grande que proteger los nià ±os. (There is nothing more important than protecting children. There isnt anything more important than protecting children.He decidido que no quiero comer nada con conservantes o aditivos. (I have decided I dont want to eat anything with preservatives or additives. I have decided I want to eat nothing with preservatives or additives.)No me gusta nada. (I dont like anything. I like nothing. Technically, nada is the subject of this sentence, but the double-negative rule still applies.) Using Nada for Emphasis Sometimes youll hear nada used as an adverb, where (after taking the double negative into account) it is usually used as an intensifier and thus can mean not at all: Mi hermano no estudia nada y no ayuda nada en casa. (My brother doesnt study at all nor help out at home at all.)Si tengo paraguas no corro nada.  (If I have an umbrella I dont run at all.)No aprendà ­ nada difà ­cil. (I didnt learn anything difficult at all.) Using Nada in Questions In questions, nada is nearly always used with a negative verb:  ¿No ha estudiado nada de eso? (You havent studied any of that?) ¿No puede ver nada el nià ±o?  (Cant the boy see anything?) ¿Por quà © no tenemos nada? (Why dont we have anything?) Phrases Using Nada Here are some common phrases using nada: ahà ­ es nada (similar to no big deal, a way of emphasizing and downplaying something at the same time): Han estado casados por 50 aà ±os. Ahi es nada. (They have been married for 50 years. No big deal.) antes que nada (most importantly, above everything else): Antes que nada, queremos que viva. (Above everything, we want him to live.)   de nada (unimportant, of little value): Traje a casa una monedas de nada. (I brought home some worthless coins.) The phrase de nada is also frequently used as the equivalent of youre welcome after gracias (thank you), similar to saying Its nothing after being thanked.   como si nada (as if it were nothing): Despuà ©s de todo lo que dije, salià ³ como si nada. (After everything I told him, he left as if it were nothing.) nada como (nothing like): No hay nada como el hogar. (There is no place like home.) Avoiding Confusion With Conjugated Nadar Nada meaning nothing shouldnt be confused with nada, the third-person present indicative form of nadar, to swim: Nada todas las maà ±anas en la piscina. (She swims every morning in the swimming pool.)El atleta nada a casi nueve kilà ³metros por hora. (The athlete swims at almost nine kilometers an hour.)Nada en agua frà ­a como si nada. (She swims in cold water as if it were nothing.) Key Takeaways Nada is the Spanish word for nothing.Because of the ways negatives are used in Spanish, nada is sometimes translated as anything.Nada is sometimes used as a word of emphasis.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Hazing A Benefit Or Burden Essay - 2670 Words

Hazing: A Benefit or Burden nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The concept of hazing has long since been a source of debate, yet it has also served as a means of training designed to save lives. Hazing has been around almost as long as mankind but its formal introduction became most apparent in the military. Hazing is used to bring a group of people together as a unit and teach them a great deal of information in a short amount of time. Hazing is designed as a consequence based teaching method where a mistake leads to harassment of some sort. This harassment may include physical or mental discomfort, embarrassment, ridicule, paddling or other forms of physical abuse, excessive fatigue, psychological shocks, chores, involuntary road trips,†¦show more content†¦These methods of hazing are even more effective when applied to groups. Hazing can bond a number of individuals and make them strive harder to succeed. When a group is â€Å"lined up† they are to act as one†¦not as individuals, which is imperati ve in military, sports, and even in fraternal brotherhoods. If a single individual fails, the entire group must face the consequence together. A single person may not be affected by the punishment, but the mental anguish they receive when watching their peers pay for their own failure is more powerful in changing their actions and learning. The movie Full Metal Jacket give an accurate portrayal of hazing in the military. Private Pyle, an overweight and undisciplined new comer, gets caught hiding a doughnut in his military supply box where only supplies are permitted. The drill instructor makes the rest of Pyle’s platoon hold a down position for pushups while Pyle eats his doughnut. Not only does Pyle feel poorly for punishing his team for his actions, but his team resents him and strives to keep him in line. By the end of boot camp, Private Pyle is in peak physical condition and performs his tasks to perfection. Fraternities almost have a direct link to military in the way of hazing. Fraternities were founded as secret organizations designed to protect students from corruptShow MoreRelatedHazing a Benefit or Burden2679 Words   |  11 PagesHazing: A Benefit or Burden The concept of hazing has long since been a source of debate, yet it has also served as a means of training designed to save lives. Hazing has been around almost as long as mankind but its formal introduction became most apparent in the military. Hazing is used to bring a group of people together as a unit and teach them a great deal of information in a short amount of time. Hazing is designed as a consequence based teaching method where a mistake leads to harassmentRead MorePostives and Negatives of Greek Life Systems in College Campuses1744 Words   |  7 Pageschances of being peer pressured into drinking is more likely when joining the Greek system. Hazing is against the law and is against the policies of all national headquarters, yet it still happens among many Greek organizations. Hazing is characterized as anything that makes someone feel uncomfortable or doing something strenuous. Hazing is extremely common among fraternities rather than sororities. Hazing takes place during the pledge ship of a new member. This is the time where the pledges haveRead MoreA Supposed Lower Status and The Ensuing Hatred Essay1526 Words   |  7 Pageshas been greatly reduced, it has refocused and is now directed on a greater scale against a larger, vaguer objective. From the lives of the nine students who stood courageously against the persecution and racism of their peers we can see the true benefits received by merely returning good for evil and by approaching ones conflicts and trials with a passive spirit of nonaggression. When asked as of her feelings upon first entering Central High, Melba Beals responded in a way that would have undoubtedlyRead MorePersonal Statement : Academic Emphasis And Scholarship Programs Essay1292 Words   |  6 Pagesor university resources to improve academic performance and work closely with the member or chapter to ensure continued success. We recognize the financial commitment it takes to receive a college education and we want to help ease the financial burden. The Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation provides scholarships to undergraduate and graduate members. The first Kappa Kappa Gamma scholarship was established in 1902 with $100. This year, the Kappa Foundation is awarding a total of $581,190, a 10 percentRead MoreBaton Rouge University Case Study1936 Words   |  8 Pagesthe hope that they will have a successful and safe semester. For two of these families this will be their last time seeing and spending time with their children. Just last month two LSU students lost their life, Maxwell Gruver who was a victim of hazing and Michael Nickelotte who was a victim of suicide. Their deaths are a grim reminder that there are several dangers LSU students face at the Baton Rouge campus. As mentioned before these were LSU students, and as LSU students shouldn’t the responsibilityRead More Alcohol Consumption Essay2409 Words   |  10 Pagesdelirium tremens, male suicide, criminality, hospitalizations, alcohol-related disease mortality, workpla ce injuries, STDs, IPV, rape, robbery, and severe violence towards children† (Jernigan). Public heath deals with many other issues that cause burdens to individuals and society alike such as obesity and gun use. Over the past several months, headlines in the news have been echoing â€Å"Chocolate Milk Removed from School Lunches,† and â€Å"Senate Considers Federal Tax on Soda.† While the removal of chocolateRead MoreOrganizational Behaviour Cheat Sheet3987 Words   |  16 Pagesanother.Tactics:collevtive(group soc-tion)VS individual;formal vs informal;sequential(clear steps) vs random;fixed(time table for assumption role) vs variable;serial (expirienced socialize newcommers) vs disjunctive;investiture vs divestiture(humble -hazing to strip away self-confidence).Debasement-are designed to strip new members of their old beliefs,values,attitudes and get them internalize new ones.Institutionalized-collective,formal,sequential,fixed,serial,investure.Individualize d-individual,informalRead MoreEssay Paper84499 Words   |  338 Pagesproponent agency or its direct reporting unit or field operating agency, in the grade of colonel or the civilian equivalent. Activities may request a waiver to this regulation by providing justification that includes a full analysis of the expected benefits and must include formal review by the activity’s senior legal officer. All waiver requests will be endorsed by the commander or senior leader of the requesting activity and forwarded through their higher headquarters to the policy proponent

Friday, December 13, 2019

Dreamland Free Essays

In the book Dreamland Sarah Dessen explores and illustrates physical abuse and loving someone so much that you can not leave. Catlin O’Koren shows many signs of getting abused such as bruises, feeling mentally drained and using drugs to escape the pain. By the middle of the book Catlin’s friend Rina suspects something is wrong with Catlin but says nothing because she feels it might ruin their friendship. We will write a custom essay sample on Dreamland or any similar topic only for you Order Now Catlin then becomes emotionally and physically attached to Rogerson, and if she ever if late for something she fears that he might hurt her, but she for some reason also feels safe around him. In the book Dreamland the main character Catlin O’Koren deals with many challenges such as, her sister Cass running away, physical abuse, and later going to rehab for drugs. At the beginning of the book the main character Catlin woke up on her birthday to find a present from her sister Cass sitting outside of her door with a letter attached to it saying that she had run away. †My sister Cass ran away the morning of my sixteenth birthday, she left a present, wrapped sitting outside my door (Pg. 1, Par. 1)†. Cass was supposed to go to Yale in a few days but was feeling too much pressure from her parents to be perfect, so Cass ran away with her boyfriend Adam to be together. Catlin then becomes lost without Cass around and feels she has no one to tell her feelings to since Catlin has been with Cass her whole life. In the middle of the book Catlin was watching Television when she saw Cass on a television show called â€Å"The Larmont Whipper Show† Catlin and Her parents finally find out that Cass has run away to New York, and watch the show everyday to try and catch a glimpse of Cass. Cass finally decides to call home and tell them where she went and that she is okay, but Catlin will not talk to her because she is afraid to hear her sister’s voice again. Catlin then gets a letter at the end of the book from Cass saying that she was not happy and Yale was the last place she wanted to be. By the end of the book when Catlin comes home from Rehab Cass is there at her welcoming home party. Cass running away was a prime example of the challenges that Catlin faced throughout the book. â€Å"One thing I have learned over the past couple of months, it is that sometimes you have to close your eyes and just jump (pg. 38, par. 16)†. Catlin First meets Rogerson at the car wash and vacuum station when she was getting quarters for her friend to clean her car. Catlin’s friends had an opinion about Rogerson, and that opinion was right, that he looks like a drug dealer. Their relationship starts off with Catlin seeing Rogerson’s dad abusing him because h e was late to one of their parties. Rogerson then feels the need to get his anger out by hitting Catlin. Rogerson first abuses Catlin after the athletic banquet at school, because he had to wait a long time for Catlin after she stopped to see if Rina was okay â€Å"when he hit me, I didn’t see it coming. It was a quick blur, a flash out of the corner of my eye, and then the side of my face exploding, burning, as his hand slammed against me ( )†. This was Catlin’s thought as Rogerson hit her for the first time. Rogerson then began to hit Catlin all the time, even over the slightest thing, if she showed up late to anything, was seen with another guy, or even just for fun, he would hit her. Rogerson then began hitting Catlin places where it was not noticeable and she could cover it up easily. Catlin then became an avid drug user to drown her feelings since she was not able to tell anybody about Rogerson abusing her. The last time that Rogerson hit Catlin was because Rina took Catlin to her lake house and she was late to meet Rogerson at her house. She knew the hit was coming but never expected it to be as hard as it was. The hit was so hard that when he hit her and she got out of the car and fell on to her lawn and blacked out. He began kicking her telling her to get up, when Catlin’s mother came out of the house to stop Rogerson and called the police on him. Rogerson then went to jail but even after him hitting her she still loved him. This is book is a love story about loving someone so much that you cannot leave. Rogerson hitting Catlin is an example of physical abuse loving someone a little too much. At the end of the book Catlin finally admits to her parents about doing drugs to escape the pain and ends up going to Evergreen, a rest care facility. When she first gets there she is very shy and does not want to talk to her therapist, but once she is there longer she begins to open up and tell him about what had happened to her. While she was in the rest care facility she thought about Rogerson constantly and how she still loves him and misses him â€Å"After all that happened, how could I miss him? But I did. I did (pg. 233 par. 27)†. This is Catlin explaining that after all that happened with Rogerson she still missed him. After a month of being in Evergreen Catlin was making a lot of progress and was let out of the facility. When she arrived home she was surprised by a welcome home party with Rina, Boo, Stewart, and her mom and dad. Catlin starts telling everyone about her time at evergreen when her sister Cass shows up to the party. Catlin seeing Cass there was like a sense of relief and that she could finally take a deep breath and get out of dreamland. Catlin going to Evergreen, then coming home to see Cass was a brilliant way to end the book and Catlin going to Evergreen was something people should know a little more about. Catlin faces many challenges in the book such as her sister Cass running away, physical abuse, and going to rehab for drugs. Sarah Dessen does this in a very compelling and interesting way. This was a great topic to read about and everyone should be informed about how physical abuse can mentally and physically hurt you. Sarah Dessen does a great job explaining a difficult topic for some people. How to cite Dreamland, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING Essay Thesis Example For Students

MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING Essay Thesis A monologue from the play by William ShakespeareLEONATO: I pray thee cease thy counsel,Which falls into mine ears as profitlessAs water in a sieve. Give not me counsel,Nor let no comforter delight mine earBut such a one whose wrongs do suit with mine. Bring me a father that so loved his child,Whose joy of her is overwhelmed like mine,And bid him speak of patience.Measure his woe the length and breadth of mine,And let it answer every strain for strain,As thus for thus, and such a grief for such,In every lineament, branch, shape, and form.If such a one will smile and stroke his beard,Bid sorrow wag, cry hem when he should groan,Patch grief with proverbs, make misfortune drunkWith candle-wasters bring him yet to me,And I of him will gather patience.But there is no such man; for, brother, menCan counsel and speak comfort to that griefWhich they themselves not feel; but, tasting it,Their counsel turns to passion, which beforeWould give preceptial medicine to rage,Fetter strong madness in a silken thread,Charm ache with air and agony with words. No, no! Tis all mens office to speak patienceTo those that wring under the load of sorrow,But no mans virtue nor sufficiencyTo be so moral when he shall endureThe like himself. Therefore give me no counsel.My griefs cry louder than advertisement.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Oceanography Exam 2 Essay Example

Oceanography Exam 2 Paper What best explains why the atmosphere transports heat toward the poles? the latitudinal imbalance of incoming solar radiation The Coriolis parameter is at largest _______ and zero at the _____. poles and equator The prevailing winds on each side of the equator are: Easterly winds Geostrophy is the balance between what 2 forces? Pressure gradient and Coriolis What hemisphere does ONLY cyclonic flow rotate counter-clockwise? Northern Hemisphere Neutrally buoyant (sub-surface) ocean current floats are best tracked using: sonar In the Northern Hemisphere, the NET motion of water in an Ekman spiral is ______ the wind direction. 90 degrees to the right of. What factor best explains why the Antarctic Circumpolar Current is so unique? its east-west path is uninterrupted by continents Waters diverge to form subpolar gyres because of which two prevailing wind systems? Westerlies and Polar Easterlies. Subtropical gyres in the Southern Hemisphere flow: counter-clockwise What is the underlying cause of the westward intensification of subtropical gyres? Weak Coriolis parameter near the equator Subtropical gyre western boundary currents are: warm In the Northern Hemisphere, the Coriolis effect causes fluids to be deflected to the ____ of their natural path, and geostrophic balance would cause ocean currents to flow ____around seas surface lows. right counter-clockwise. What scenario would most likely produce coastal upwelling? southerly winds along the South American west coast Coastal upwelling water tend to be: cold and nutrient rich Why is there a cold tongue in the easter tropical pacific? upwelling due to Ekman divergence What condition does not characterize El Nino? high rainfall in Indonesia El Nino events occur approximately every ___ years. 2-7 years In the Walker Circulation, what force balances the pressure gradient force? nothing Which factors form a positive feedback loop in the equatorial Pacific? warm pool atmospheric low strong winds Once Surface waters become dense enough to form deep waters, what is the most likely reason that their temperature would change significantly in the deep sea? by mixing with other water masses How does sea surface salinity near the equator compare to that of the subtropical gyres? lower near equator due to higher precipitation The most common reason for the existence of the pynocline is that _____ decreases with increasing depth. temperature The mixed layer will typically extends to a depth of about: 100-200m What sources of energy directly drive the upwelling that leads to the thermohaline circulation? winds and tides Which is NOT a mechanism leading to denser surface water and therefore deep water formation? increased runoff from melting ice sheets Wave orbits are negligible at depths below: 1/2 wavelength The only wave type restored by cohesion is: capillary A wave that propagates away from a disturbance without without continued application of force is called: free Which wave type is almost always considered a shallow water wave? tsunami Which is NOT a characteristic of shallow water waves? cannot break Which factor does NOT contribute to large wave growth? high temperature Deep water wave celerity depends on the variable _____, while shallow water wave celerity depends on the variable ____. wavelength, water depth A wind wave is approaching shore first contacts the seafloor at a water depth of: Waves usually break when their height exceeds: 1/7 wavelength Why do waves bend (refract) as they approach shore? speed is decreased in shallow water A tsunami is usually imperceptible to a ship at sea because it has a: very long wavelength The Sumatra tsunami of December 2004 was caused by a: subduction zone earth quake Why does an unusual sea level drop often precede the arrival a tsunami? the trough of the tsunami wave sometimes arrives before the crest What technology does the pacific tsunami warning network rely on? pressure sensors on the seafloor THe equilibrium theory of the tides would apply for a hypothetical Earth: completely covered by a very deep ocean. The gravitational attraction between two celestial objects increases with their ____, and decreases with the square of their____. masses.. distances In Earth-moon system, where are gravitational attraction and intertia in balance? center of earth On earth, solar tides are about ____ the strength of lunar tides. half Neap (weak) tids occur: during quarter moons The side of Earth facing the moon will have a high tide while th opposite side of the Earth will have: a high tide

Sunday, November 24, 2019

5 Words That End in the Excrescent -st

5 Words That End in the Excrescent -st 5 Words That End in the Excrescent â€Å"-st† 5 Words That End in the Excrescent â€Å"-st† By Mark Nichol Somewhere along the way, a very small group of English words, through dialectical divergence, acquired spelling and punctuation variants in the form of an odd appendage: the letters -st. Three of these terms are acceptable (but declining in use) in British English but deemed nonstandard in American English, while two others, strangely, have prevailed over earlier forms. The phonological term for this type of change is excrescence, which although it simply means â€Å"outgrowth† is a word with unpleasant associations that should help writers (and speakers) of American English to remember to think twice before using one of the following three words: 1. Amidst: The preposition amid, meaning â€Å"among† or â€Å"during,† or â€Å"with the accompaniment of,† is often written (but rarely said as) amidst, even in American English, but it is considered colloquial and unsuitable for formal writing. 2. Amongst: The excrescent form of the preposition among, in some senses synonymous with amid(st), is perhaps even more frequently employed in informal American English writing (and speaking). However, amongst, like amidst, should be avoided in formal writing. 3. Whilst: Alone among these three words, the conjunction whilst is rarely used in American English, perhaps because it sounds especially affected; many users of British English also favor while. Its relative unpopularity, however, is counterintuitive in that it is relatively easy to pronounce, while amidst and amongst involve some mandibular gymnastics. Though they have the same ending as amidst, amongst, and whilst, these words ending in the excrescent -st are standard: 4. Against: Anomalously, though against followed a path similar to those of the three words listed above, forming from the alteration of again to againes and then to againest before settling into its current form, the nonstandard variant prevailed. Again, as a preposition, has been relegated to dialect used for comic effect; indeed, in this context, it is often spelled agin to emphasize the drawled pronunciation, as in â€Å"I ain’t sayin’ nothin’ agin ya† (translation: â€Å"I’m not saying anything against you†). 5. Midst: This variant of the noun middle (from the Middle English term middest, an alteration of middes, which in turn is short for amiddes, meaning â€Å"amid†) is correct, though its survival is curious, considering that middle is easier to pronounce. The truncated form mid is acceptable only as a prefix in a hyphenated (mid-Atlantic) or closed (midafternoon) compound. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Writing a Reference Letter (With Examples)Hyper and HypoComma After Introductory Phrases

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Anything related to Gender and Technology Research Paper

Anything related to Gender and Technology - Research Paper Example Various people link technology with computer devices, robots and other advances in science, limiting themselves in defining technology in small terms. Experts agree that technology review as larger than chips and optics will allow people uncover how technological patterns perpetuate social and cultural class stratification. This paper will investigate how the notion of gender shapes technology and investigate different ways in which technology (cosmetic surgery) has influenced lives of women. Discussion The discussion will investigate diverse ways in which bodies of women are structured and deconstructed in modern culture and some moral, social and political outcomes such processes for the women’s well-being, (Negrin, 2008). It will also focus on gender technology (cosmetic surgery), for instance those forms of socio-cultural practices the make the human body gendered. Similarly, the theoretical foundation of this paper is that the aspect of the human body as highly hypothesiz ed and expressed with certain cultural contexts including economic, social, religious and influential political discourses is crucial. Such discourses represent the extensive system of belief or cultural ideologies, and as they function in performances, they establish verbal and non-verbal rules and laws for how both men and women are expected to feel, perceive and act in relation to the environment and other people. Body modification (cosmetic surgery) as a masculinity or femininity identity mark has extensive and ancient cultural origin. A number of ancient practices (such as wearing of the corset and binding of foot), have increasingly been dumped, whereas others (like FMG, tattooing and male circumcision) are persistent, (Davis, 1995). Similarly, new ways of promoting ones manhood and womanhood through diverse aspects of the body are persistently being created. Contemporary medicine and fashion permit practical modification of gender bodies to attain idealized notion of masculin ity and femininity. The rate of cosmetic surgery in the modern globe to enhance desirability, attractiveness and appeal of a person to other sex is continually rising. These practices have increasing dominated the mainstream media and popular culture in an attempt to fix the norm of approved ideal feminine and masculine attractiveness and, therefore, reinforce the man-woman polarity. In feminist studies, woman body is perceived as part of scripting of cultural anxiety regarding life, regulation and death and actual human implication. In other words, female’s bodies are increasingly main features and thus, reflect the challenges, panic and the public disunity and socio-cultural aspects in the postmodern era, (Parker & Rhian, 2010). Various issues emerge as a fundamental source of controversy for instance, gender technologies such as cosmetic surgery and inequality experiences that draw a wider gap between male and female body. Cosmetic surgeries are aimed to amend physical abn ormalities or promote a normal physical character and, therefore, enhance appearance. Cosmetic surgery, as an extensively wide field, which may provide reconstructive surgery for people with devastating burns or physical damage, can be utilized aesthetic purposes such as smoothening wrinkles, breasts enlargement and reshaping noses. In the past, cosmetic surgery practices were mainly restricted to necessary surgery to ensure patient well-being and health. Such surgical practices

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Comprehensive Doctoral Review Examination Question #1 Theory with the Term Paper

Comprehensive Doctoral Review Examination Question #1 Theory with the concept (when contractors preform inherently governmental functions it puts the U.S. Government at risk) - Term Paper Example Additionally, the research conducted on the based on the different available evidences enhances the relevance of the research and further develops their acceptability. Similarly, the different theories that are available in the specific fields enhance the approach towards the present research question (Houser & Oman, 2011). In this regards the issue related with the inherent operations of the management that puts the governmental functioning at risk. The performances of the contractors are majorly involved with the performances of the government as the performances of the individual contractors affect the overall performances of the federal government. Several technical complexities affect the different operational motives of the government and hinder the ability of the government to perform effectively. Furthermore, the contractors performs the functions that are intimately related with public interest hence if the contractors fails to meet with the different needs of the public it is most likely to affect the overall government functions. With this regard, the paper elaborates on the functioning of the contractors that in turn puts the government operations at risk. Theories have been authentic evidences that support the research and enhance the relevance of the same. The different theories that are available in the specific fields provide a guideline for conducting the research and enhance the acceptability of the study. The word theory has a several number of meanings and is interpreted by the different theorist in several manners. Furthermore, the different theorists have elaborated on the different concepts that are appropriate for the different situations and different problems. The following sections project the different concepts that are most important for developing a generalisabilty of the research and develop the relevance of the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Political Topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Political Topic - Essay Example Of interesting note, of those that found the crisis to be the most sever of their lfietime, the youngest group, 18-35, had the smallest percentage, 33%, compared to the over 55 age group, 42%, many of whom would have been alive during the Great Depression. Even though this group is the youngest and has the least amount of time in which to compare different crises, this smaller percentage could be in part due to the crisis affecting the financial and housing markets more, of which this younger group would be less likely to feel the effects of, as opposed to the direct effect of the price of filling up one’s tank with gas. Older Americans with assets, including owning their own house and such, would probably feel the anxiety of the financial sector being in peril. The poll found that 78% of those polled favored that some sort of government intervention be taken. Of those, 22% favored the plan that was proposed by President Bush, and 56% favored a plan different from the Bush proposal. Of those polled, only 11% favored that no action be taken at all, with another 11% having no opinion. A telephone survey was performed for this poll. There was a margin of error of plus of minus 3%. In the first set of questions asked, the poll asked what specific plan of action would they like to see done. Also, it should be noted that this poll was taken before high-intensity negotiations took place in Congress. The poll attempted to also find out to the degree at which people were following the story in the news. 80% of people were either watching the news very closely or somewhat closely, and this statistics ranked in the highest tiers as far as percentages of people following a new story. The poll also asked what the outcome would be if no action was taken by Congress, and the resounding answer was that 74% of people felt that the situation would get worse. Some of the questions tended to be

Friday, November 15, 2019

Nonverbal Communication In Social Psychology Psychology Essay

Nonverbal Communication In Social Psychology Psychology Essay The most important thing in communication is hearing what isnt said.- Peter F. Drucker cited in Goman,2008 page 1. This states that spoken language and non verbal signals need to simultaneously exist and interact with each other in order to give the receiver a fully understanding of what is been said. Non-verbal communication is the ability to transfer, receive and decode messages to one another without using spoken or written language instead we take a specific body posture or facial expression to denote a particular feeling or intention. Non-verbal behaviour can be both consciously and unconsciously (M .Argyle, 1988, page 4). Non-verbal behaviour became acknowledged in the social psychological field in 1872 by Charles Darwins work, where he suggested that high intelligence animals shared the same facial expressions with humans C.Darwin (1872 cited in P.Ekman,1973, pages 12,13). This essay will discuss the importance of non verbal communication in the social psychological field. There are different types of kinesics such as eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, and body postures. It is said that the eyes are the most powerful means of communication we posses after words (G.R.Wainwright, 1985, page 5) that is because our eyes help us seek information, display attention and interest, show respect and provide feedback during speech Argyle (1965, cited in Wainwright, 1988 page 9). For example when people avoid looking others in the eyes, it seems that they are trying to hide something or that they are lying. Neuro-Linguistic Programming researchers, for several decades, believed that when a person looks up to their right corner of their eye they are more likely to be lying, whilst a glance up to their left it indicates that they are telling the truth. However, a later on study of two professors; R. Wiseman from  Edinburgh University and C. Watt from Hertfordshire University has shown that that theory was wrong; there was no evidence of a correlation betwe en lying and eye movements. (R. Wiseman, C. Watt et al. PLoS ONE, 2012; 7).Instead avoiding eye contact could clearly indicate nervousness or shyness. Moreover, in some countries eye contact signifies respect and straightforwardness whereas in others it is seen as rude and disrespectful; for instance in European cultures, a certain amount of eye contact is required, but too much makes many people uncomfortable. When greeting a Chinese, it is best to avoid prolonged eye contact as a sign of respect and deference (E. T. Hall, M. R. Hall, 1990,page 14). Furthermore, effectual eye contact is also a significant feedback machine that makes the speaking situation a double dissociation since it certifies that others are listening and that the listeners are appreciated for their attentiveness. (G. R. Wainwright,1985 , page 11) However, when people feel bored they usually do not make eye contact with the person they are talking to and may start searching for anything nearby to fidget with -th eir cell phone or objects around the room, for example. These actions are perceived as signs of boredom and lack of interest. (G. R. Wainwright, 1985, page 7) Closely relevant to eye contact are facial expressions which posses the most dominant and primary form of body language. Facial expressions must have obtained evolutionary importance; since it would have been evolutionary growth for our antecedents to have been chosen for biological reproduction and natural survival on account of their ability to make facial expressions C .Darwin (1872 cited in P .Ekman page 13). Additionally, it has been said that people can produce around 20000 different facial expressions Birdwhistell (1970 cited in Argyle,1988 page122). This mosaic of facial expressions is universal and sums up to six basic principles; happiness, sadness, fear, anger, disgust and surprise and when these fundamental emotions are mixed together they produce an array of expressions Ekman (1982 cited M. Argyle, 1988 pages 121,122). Furthermore, the importance of facial expressions is also shown by the ability that people have on making almost infallible critics about someones persona lity, intelligence, character in the first few minutes of meeting them (G. R. Wainwright, 1985, page 23). However, a psychologist had run an experiment, in which the subjects had to chose if that person in the picture was innocent or not, and found out that a significant number of people were biased to judge someone as a criminal by their facial features (G.R. Wainwright, 1985, page 27). In sequence of these findings it suggests that people sometimes misinterpret what they are seeing without having any specific evidence. Also, considering that facial expressions are tight together with emotions, sometimes they can be very similar with the attitudes that we give towards other people; voluntary and involuntary, paradigm being angry is an emotion, being angry towards someone is an interpersonal attitude(M.Argyle,1988, page 85) . Intermittently, people have to look back in order not to disobey that fine line between acceptable and unacceptable attitudes; for example liking and disliking someone are emotions although the expression of disliking someone is often restricted by social rules (M. Argyle, 1988, page 85).Furthermore, facial expressions are inevitable to occur thus at intervals they come in contrast of what is been felt and what their expressions demonstrate (M. Argyle, 1988, page 78,127 and G .R .Wainwright,1985, page 26) .Researches has shown that micromomentary expressions might be captured through cameras but are too emphemeral and momentary for most people to realize them; For example a person might say that they are happy to see someone and may even smile at them, but this false attitude may be showed by a micromomentary expression like disgust. (G .R .Wainwright, 1985, page 26) Another huge subdivision of Non-verbal Communication is gestures. Gestures include body movements that chaperon spoken language, especially with the use of hands; some of them are waving, pointing, using the fingers to indicate numerical amounts and are enormously substantial in the social psychological field since they give emphasis and interpret what is been said. A study has shown that most vocal conversations are accompanied, regulated and modulated by kinesics; like motion of the head, hands etc Bull and Conelli (1985, cited in M. Argyle ,1988 page 107) . Moreover, some gestures are known as illustrators of the verbal context because they imitate shapes, physical objects or movements. Dittman (1972) argued that illustrators appear at the establishment of a verbal conversation in order to manifest what will be contained in the verbal aspect. It was also verified by Butterworth and Beattie (1978) who their findings showed that gestures prefaced the phrase which was associated with them by an average of 800 milliseconds. Although, McNeil and Levy (1982) corralled otherwise, saying that illustrative gestures had the same possibility to happen prior of a phrase or later on (M .Argyle,1988, page 107). Furthermore, another research has demonstrated that emphasis can be denoted not only by the changes of pitch or loudness of someones voice but also by hand or head movements; Mehrabian (1972) had found that speakers who wanted to convince and allure the hearers used gestures and head-nods more frequently . However, Argyle (1983) disagreed with the above statement saying that the capital reason that the transmitter looks at the receiver is to collect information and reactions about what has just been said, in the form of head-nods, facial expressions ,gestures and so on (M.Argyle,1988,page 109).In addition, gestures are not universal, they are culture specific, and can have an entirely different meaning from one culture to another ; so giving a thumbs-up or a peace sign might mean a greeting for some countries and some others might take it as highly offensive signs Morris (1979 cited in Wainwright,1985 page 45). Last but not least, another research has shown that people are perceived as more active, warm and acceptable when they tend to use more nonverbal movements than the ones that use less; those are seen as more logical, cold and analytic (G.R. Wainwright,1985 page 48,49) In conclusion, non verbal communication in some purposes is more powerful and consequential than verbal language itself mostly because it can take different forms; such as gestures, eye contact, facial expressions. That illustrates emotions and attitudes to other people without using any verbal communication. (M. Argyle, 1988 page 308). It is evident that most communication happens without speech and that the spoken part of conversation is actually much less than we think (M.Argyle, 1988,page 1). When verbal and non-verbal communication blend together, the second one might either strengthen or curve the prior one (M. Argyle, 1988,page 106).

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

A Seperate Peace :: essays research papers

Devon is a safe haven away from the rest of the world. A war is going on, but at Devon the boys are playing around a river and creating new games like blitzball and not worrying about the problems boys only a few years older than them are facing. Devon is at peace, separate from the fighting and loss many people in the world are facing while Finny, Gene, and other boys are forming a special club just for their group of friends. At Devon the boys know about the war and even have people coming to get them to enlist, but still the war does not hit home. They are still at peace and do not see the reality of the war. What they see are mostly videos brought to them to encourage them to enlist, and those do not come close to showing then the true terror of war. At the beginning of the novel, the boys have not yet been drafted like those a few years ahead of their class. They have not trained for war, and most do not see it as much of a threat. A few boys are ready to enlist, and some do not even consider it. Phineas says he does not even believe there is a war at all, and he partly convinces Gene of this idea as well. The war doesn’t hit any of them until Leper, the first to enlist, goes to war and comes back a complete mess. Although not children, they are not quite adults, and they share a rare time of carefree play that is completely isolated from the war. These young boys are separate from the reality of the world while they continue their studies just as they had always done, with the only difference being an extra school session in the summer. They have no concept of the danger many people are facing. At such a young age, the war seems so distant and unreal, maybe even fake. According to Witherington, "War is only make-believe on the fields and rivers of Devon.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Automated Grading System

If bridges and buildings were made like we make software, then we would have disasters happening daily. I have heard this several times from many people. It is sad but true. Buggy software is the bane of the software industry. One of the ways of increasing software quality is by proper education. Several professionals from the software industry also attest to this. They believe that a greater emphasis should be given to quality and testing in university courses. But simply explaining the principles of software quality is not sufficient.Students tend to forget theoretical principles over time. Practical exposure and experience is equally important. Students should be put in an environment where they can appreciate the importance of quality software and can experience the benefits of processes that enhance quality. Many universities have a period of internship for the students in which they work in a software company and experience these factors first hand. However because the internsh ip usually is of a duration of 3-6 months, it is not sufficient to instill the importance of quality.Emphasis on code quality should be made a part of the entire software curriculum for it to have proper impact. Every assignment that the students submit should be subjected to the same quality standards that an industrial project would be subjected to. Having university assignments adhere to industrial standards will result in the faculty having to spend more time grading the assignments. The faculty can no longer just give an assignment, wait for the students to submit it, and grade them. The faculty must be more like a project manager who constantly mentors the students and helps them improve the quality of their work.Along with spending a good amount of time mentoring students off class hours another challenge is timely evaluation of student assignments. Faculty members are already overloaded with the task of teaching, designing projects, grading, and research. Once we incorporate testing and quality into the curricula, each assignment will have to be graded along many more dimensions, such as quality of the tests, coverage of the tests, etc. This can be very time consuming. We need a mechanism which will automatically grade student assignments to the best possible extent, so that students are iven a timely feedback, and faculty can focus more on providing feedback on the style, design, and documentation of the project. Such a system will also bring consistency to the grading process and will eliminate discrepancies due to instructors bias and lethargy. A good automated grading system should be capable of executing the test cases written by students as well as the faculty on the project, determining the coverage of the test cases, and compiling and executing the submitted programs. It should be configurable so that faculty can determine the importance of various factors that make up the final grade.Several efforts have been made to design and implement autom ated grading systems in universities. Some existing systems are: 1. WEB-CAT[1] 2. Curator[2] 3. ASSYST[3] 4. Praktomat[4] 5. PGSE[5] 6. PILOT[6] In this article I will briefly explain two such automated grading systems – WEB-CAT, and the Praktomat systems, and propose a system that contains useful features from them as well as some new features. WEB-CAT WEB-CAT was created at Virginia Tech university to address the need for incorporating software testing as an integral part of all programming courses.The creators realized the need for a software to automatically grade student assignments to enable faster feedback to students and to balance the working load of faculty members. Since Test Driven Development (TDD) was to be used for all the assignments, the students had to be graded not only on the quality of code, but also on the quality of their test suite. WEB-CAT grades students on three criteria. It gives each assignment a test validity score, a test correctness score, and a code correctness score. Test validity measures the accuracy of the students tests. It determines if the tests are consistent with the problem tatement. Test coverage determines how much of the source code the tests cover. It determines if all paths and conditionals are adequately covered. Code correctness measures correctness of the actual code. All three criteria are given a certain weight-age and a final score is determined. WEB-CAT’s graphical user interface is inspired by the unit testing tool JUnit[7]. Just like JUnit it uses a green bar to show the test results. A text description containing details such as the number of tests that were run, and the number that passed is also provided. Basic features provided by WEB-CAT are: Submission of student assignments using a web based wizard interface †¢ Submission of test cases using a web based wizard interface †¢ Setup of assignments by faculty †¢ Download of student scores by the faculty †¢ Automatic gr ading with immediate feedback for student assignment WEB-CAT follows a certain sequence of steps to assess a project submission. A submission is assessed only if it compiles successfully. If compilation fails, then a summary of errors is displayed to the user. If the program is compiled successfully then WEB-CAT will assess the project on various parameters.It first tests the correctness of the program by running the student’s tests against the program. Since these tests are submitted by the students, and it is expected that 100% of the tests will pass, because we do not expect students to submit a program that fails their own tests. After this the student’s test cases are validated by running them against a reference implementation of the project created by the instructor. If a student’s test case fails on the reference implementation then it is deemed to be invalid. Finally the coverage of the student’s test cases is evaluated.Once the scores are obtain ed a cumulative score out of 100 is calculated applying a certain formula on the scores from all criteria. The results are displayed immediately to the student on an HTML interface. It was observed that the quality of student assignments increased significantly after using WEB-CAT. It was found that the code developed using WEB-CAT contained 45% fewer defects per 1000 (non commented) lines of code[8]. Praktomat Praktomat was created at Universitat Passau in Germany. The purpose of creating Praktomat was to build an environment which would help students enhance the quality of their code.Along with automated grading it also has a focus on peer reviews. The creators of Praktomat felt that reviewing others software and having one’s software reviewed helps in producing better code. This is the reason why Praktomat has a strong focus on peer review and allows users to review as well as annotate code written by other students. Students can resubmit their code any number of times til l the deadline. This way they can improve their code by adopting things they learned by reviewing other students code as well as lessons they learned by others feedback of their own code.Praktomat evaluates student assignments by running them against a test suite provided by the faculty. The faculty creates two test suites – a public suite and a secret suite. The public suite is distributed to the students to help them validate their project. The secret test suite is not made available to the students, but they are aware of its existence. An assignment is evaluated by automatically running both the test suites against it, and also by manual examination by the faculty. Praktomat was developed in Python, and is hosted on SourceForge[9]. ObservationsMy contention that student project submissions should be backed by a process to encourage best practices, and a software to automate as well as facilitate the process, has become stronger after reviewing WEB-CAT and Praktomat. What b est practices should we incorporate in the process? What are the features that an automated grading software should contain? WEB-CAT, Praktomat, and several other software give a good starting point. We can learn from their successes and failures, and enhance the offering by adding our own experience. WEB-CAT and several other sources[10] have shown us that TDD is definitely a good practice.In a university environment TDD will work best if it is complemented by instant feedback to the students. We want to have a process that will encourage students to improve the quality of their code. They should be graded on the best code they can submit till the deadline. Two things are needed for this – instant feedback and the ability to resubmit assignments. WEB-CAT achieves this by assessing submissions in real time, and displaying the results to the students immediately. WEB-CAT allows students to re-submit assignments any number of time till the due date.Since faculty members are alr eady overloaded with work, the software should take some of the faculties responsibilities. WEB-CAT automatically evaluates and grades the student’s assignments, leaving faculty with time for more meaningful activities. Praktomat has shown us that there is a definite benefit to peer review. When we review code written by others, we can go beyond the paradigms set in our own mind. Having our code reviewed by others can help us see our shortcomings which we may have earlier overlooked. Praktomat allows students to review code written by others.However the review is hidden from the faculty, to ensure that it does not impact grading. Praktomat does not rely on 100% automatic evaluation of the assignments. Praktomat evaluates certain aspects automatically and the rest are evaluated manually. Factors like code quality, documentation, etc are reviewed and evaluated manually by the faculty. There may be two reasons for this. Software to support automatic evaluation of these things ma y not have been available when Praktomat was written, or the creators felt that certain things are best evaluated by the faculty.A proposed system for automated grading Based on my observations from reviewing the above software systems and from my own experience, I have defined a process and the functional expectations of a software system that supports TDD and automated grading. The Process †¢ Every project should have a deadline, just like the real world †¢ The project should be defined as a set of use cases and a functional test suite. Both should be made available to the students. †¢ Students should start developing their project using the TDD philosophy. †¢ They should also be provided a source code repository like CVS or VSS. Once the students have completed their project they should tag the build and should upload the tag number to a web based submission software. †¢ It must be clearly defined how the students should submit their unit test suite. â₠¬ ¢ They should also provide one file which will trigger the remaining unit tests.†¢ The software will pull the source from the repository, and evaluate it. o Failure is reported to the student if the project fails to compile. Failure here does not mean that the student fails in the assignment. Assignments can be corrected and submitted any number of time till the deadline. Once the compilation succeeds, the software will run the unit tests written by the student on their code. o After collecting results from the unit tests, the test coverage is measured. o Then the functional tests created by the faculty are executed against the software. o The software is then run through a source code format checker which evaluates it for adherence to coding standards,The software is then run through a source code quality checker which evaluates the quality of code based on known best practices, and anti patterns. o The software is finally channeled to the faculty who evaluates it for design . Results from all the tests are given out of 100%. o After collecting all the results a formula (provided by the faculty) is applied to derive the final score. The Software †¢ The software should provide an account with a username and password to each student and faculty. †¢ The software should be web based so that it can be accessed from anywhere using a standard web browser. †¢ After logging in students should be able to browse to the homepage for a particular assignment and view the details, such as specification, due dates, and any other details posted by the faculty. When a student completes her assignment, she should be able to upload the CVS tag number to the server.†¢ Once the tag number is uploaded the server should pull the source code from a CVS repository and perform the checks mentioned above. †¢ Results from each check is recorded in the database. †¢ The detailed result is then displayed to the student. †¢ Students should be able to resubmit an assignment any number of times till the deadline. †¢ Student code should be available for peer review and annotations if the faculty desires. The faculty should be able to create an assignment and upload details and files. †¢ The faculty should be able to trigger the final evaluation of all assignments either manually, or at a scheduled time. †¢ An evaluation should take the latest tag numbers provided by the student and perform tests on the respective source code. †¢ Results should be made available to the faculty, and students. †¢ The faculty should be able to add their own scores for parts that were checked manually. †¢ The final result is computed by applying a formula provided by the faculty. The final results should be downloadable as a csv text file. Several technologies such as Java, Python, PHP, . NET, and Ruby can be used to implement such a system. Each have their pros and cons. We will not cover the implementation technology in t his paper. Evaluation of these technologies and a final choice based on the evaluation will be dealt with in a separate paper.Reference: 1. http://scholar. lib. vt. edu/theses/available/etd-05222003-225759/unrestricted/Web-CAT. pdf 2. http://www. cs. vt. edu/curator/PublicInfo/CuratorIntroduction. pdf 3. http://portal. cm. org/citation. cfm? id=268210 4. ]http://www. infosun. fmi. uni-passau. de/st/papers/iticse2000/iticse2000. pdf 5. Jones, E. L. Grading student programs – a software testing approach. J. Computing in Small Colleges, 16(2): pp. 185-192. 6. http://www-2. cs. cmu. edu/~rsbaker/pilot. pdf 7. http://www. junit. org 8. Using Test Driven Development in the Classroom: Providing Students with Automatic, Concrete Feedback on Performance. http://web-cat. cs. vt. edu/grader/Edwards-EISTA03. pdf 9. http://sourceforge. net/projects/praktomat/ 10. http://www. testdriven. com

Friday, November 8, 2019

Hind and Behind

Hind and Behind Hind and Behind Hind and Behind By Mark Nichol This post discusses the words in which the element hind, pertaining to location or movement in or to the rear, appears. The adjective hind means â€Å"back† or â€Å"rear.† Hindbrain refers to the rear part of the brain. Hindquarters denotes the rear part of a four-legged animal, though the term is sometimes used informally in place of â€Å"buttocks,† and a hind shank is a cut of meat from the upper part of an animal’s hind leg. (Heinie, and its alternate spelling, hiney, are slang terms for the buttocks.) To hinder is to hold or keep back, and something that does so is a hindrance. (Hinder is also a comparative of the adjective hind, meaning â€Å"more behind.†) Hindmost is a synonym for last, seldom used but widely known from the expression â€Å"The devil take the hindmost.† Hindsight means â€Å"perception of an event after it occurs† and is usually seen in the phrase â€Å"in hindsight† or in the expression â€Å"Hindsight is twenty-twenty,† which means that one’s vision is clear (at 20/20 acuity) in retrospect because it is easier to analyze and judge an event after the fact than before it occurs. Hinterland, taken directly from German, means â€Å"back country,† connoting an area far inland or remote from urban areas. Behind stems from the Old English adverb and preposition behindan, meaning â€Å"after† or â€Å"at the back of†; the first syllable means â€Å"by,† and hindan means â€Å"from behind.† The compound behindhand, serving as an adjective and an adverb, means â€Å"in a backward state† (of development or thinking) or â€Å"in the rear†- or, perhaps formed on the model of beforehand, â€Å"unable to pay.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Wether, Weather, WhetherProbable vs. PossibleIf I Was vs. If I Were

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Aschenputtels Secrets

â€Å"Aschenputtel’s† Secrets Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s version of â€Å"Cinderella†, â€Å"Aschenputtel† is rich with psychological, religious, and philosophical ideas. The Grimm brothers tell a seemingly simple tale of the hardships of a young girl without her mother having to face the cruelty of her new blended family. However, when read by a more mature audience the juvenile fantasy tale turns into something much more. â€Å"Aschenputtel† provides simple entertainment and a simple moral for the young reader. At an immature glance the fairy tale seems to preach to children to turn the other cheek when faced with adversity. With a deeper look it can be seen as a vastly more complex work. The many psychological, religious, and philosophical ideas inlaid by the Grimm brothers make for a much more adult story. Psychology, religion, and philosophy create and shape Aschenputtel’s character. Aschenputtel has to deal with a blended family and the coinciding sibling rivalry issues th at come with her new family. She is continuously aware of the religious implications her mother has laid upon her. Finally, the adversity she faces with her cruel family gives her a â€Å"survival-of-the-fittest† type of philosophy. Upon the introduction of Aschenputtel’s new step-mother it is told that, â€Å" The woman had brought with her into the house two daughters, who were beautiful and fair if face, but vile and black of heart† (Grimm 7). Immediately it is exposed that the new sisters are evil, they take away her pretty clothes, ridicule her and make her sleep in the hearth. The actions of the sisters blatantly obvious as typical sibling rivalry. Visibly threatened by Aschenputtel’s place in the home, they felt the necessity to mark their new territory and take advantage of Aschenputtel’s pious ways. On the other hand, Aschenputtel competes with them in a very different way. She is patient and bides her time. While the other sisters beg fo... Free Essays on Aschenputtel's Secrets Free Essays on Aschenputtel's Secrets â€Å"Aschenputtel’s† Secrets Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s version of â€Å"Cinderella†, â€Å"Aschenputtel† is rich with psychological, religious, and philosophical ideas. The Grimm brothers tell a seemingly simple tale of the hardships of a young girl without her mother having to face the cruelty of her new blended family. However, when read by a more mature audience the juvenile fantasy tale turns into something much more. â€Å"Aschenputtel† provides simple entertainment and a simple moral for the young reader. At an immature glance the fairy tale seems to preach to children to turn the other cheek when faced with adversity. With a deeper look it can be seen as a vastly more complex work. The many psychological, religious, and philosophical ideas inlaid by the Grimm brothers make for a much more adult story. Psychology, religion, and philosophy create and shape Aschenputtel’s character. Aschenputtel has to deal with a blended family and the coinciding sibling rivalry issues th at come with her new family. She is continuously aware of the religious implications her mother has laid upon her. Finally, the adversity she faces with her cruel family gives her a â€Å"survival-of-the-fittest† type of philosophy. Upon the introduction of Aschenputtel’s new step-mother it is told that, â€Å" The woman had brought with her into the house two daughters, who were beautiful and fair if face, but vile and black of heart† (Grimm 7). Immediately it is exposed that the new sisters are evil, they take away her pretty clothes, ridicule her and make her sleep in the hearth. The actions of the sisters blatantly obvious as typical sibling rivalry. Visibly threatened by Aschenputtel’s place in the home, they felt the necessity to mark their new territory and take advantage of Aschenputtel’s pious ways. On the other hand, Aschenputtel competes with them in a very different way. She is patient and bides her time. While the other sisters beg fo...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Canadaian Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Canadaian Studies - Essay Example The past governments leading to its poor social, educational, and health outcomes in relation to their Aboriginal Canadian citizens have sidelined the Northwest region (Simeone, 2011). Despite the little improvements in the Northwest Region, more still needs to be done so that the Aboriginal Canadians also enjoy good standards of living like the other Canadian citizens. According to the 2006 Census, 3.8% of the Canadian population was made of the Aboriginal communities (Simeone, 2011). Amongst these communities, the Indians make the largest percentage of 60%. Furthermore, Canadas Northwest Aboriginal population is growing faster than the nonaboriginal population (Simeone, 2011). Moreover, from 1996-2006 there was almost 45% increase of the aboriginal population in Canada (Simeone, 2011). Despite the various gains in sectors of education, employment, and income in the past decade, the aboriginal population in Canada still lags behind on those sectors. In Northwest region, Inuits fare worse on a variety of economic indicators when compared to the Metis. Some of the social and economic challenges that face the region include poor prevalence on health issues in the region, unemployment, and low income and educational levels. The Northwest region in Canada has been a topic of concern with its increasing gas and oil development in the region. The political situation in the region has been high with the local communities and non-governmental organizations raising their concerns on the need to protect the environment (Cain and Ken, 2013). Additionally, the Aboriginal communities in the region often experience a dynamic political and social, cultural response. The politics of the region are concerned with the ultimate protection of various cultural landscapes in the Northwest region. Furthermore, the government has consistently negotiated with the community leaders through the government resource managers towards amicable solutions that could lead to

Friday, November 1, 2019

Driving Around a Bend Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Driving Around a Bend - Assignment Example Higher is the speed and more is the angle of inclination. Many times, the turn is too sharp and/or the speed is too much to negotiate by the motorists and the vehicle skids causing fatal accidents. A car driver, unfortunately, cannot lean like a motorcyclist and therefore, he needs something else to help him negotiate a bend without skidding and that is banking on the road. In case of banking, there is an upward slope on the road from inner side towards the outer side of the circle. So the question is by what angle a motorcyclist should lean and also, what should be the angle of banking on the road near a bend to avoid skidding off a vehicle. These two are an essentially same problem and have been treated analytically in the subsequent section. Suddenly a bend comes on the road and he has to move along a circular arc. Moving along a circular arc requires centripetal acceleration and there must be a force to produce this acceleration. If the motorcycle goes on a horizontal circular path, this resultant force will also be horizontal. Let us consider a motorcycle of mass ‘m’ moving at a speed ‘v’ is negotiating a bend of radius ‘r’ and the road is horizontal. Therefore, the external forces acting on the vehicle are the following: As the road is horizontal, the normal reaction force ‘R’ is vertically upward. The only horizontal force that can act towards the center of the circular path is friction F. This is static friction and self-adjustable. The tires get a tendency to skid outward and the frictional force which opposes the skidding acts towards the center. Thus for the safe turn i.e. for the turn without skidding

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Music Contract Negotiations & Publishing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Music Contract Negotiations & Publishing - Essay Example Some of areas may be found inappropriate by the Artiste to promote its musical production (like advertising on hygiene accommodation or etc.). The Artiste also may oppose using some promotional methods (like spread of information the Artiste finds damaging or etc.) (b) This part of the clause brings similar concerns on performing recordings and the Artiste publicly. Areas where the Company will, or will not use the product should be previously mutually agreed within the Contract, or a form of consultation for the areas should be required. Additionally, selling recordings for a commercial, but strange from traditional music industry (for example, tunes for doorbells or etc.) enterprises should require a consultation too (Morley, 2000). Clause 5 recognizes a size of music expected to be produced by the Artiste for each period as one album and one single per period, yet clause 1.1 and clause 1.8 bring a poor notion on what ‘album’ and ‘single’ are correspondently. Therefore, no limits are settled on number of songs, or for a playing time count of a song, making clause 5 unclear. The mutual agreement in the Contract on a minimum/ maximum number of songs is recommended. Clause 6.2 reserves the right for the Artist to give and/ or sell other non-musical production and services independently from the Company, yet the definition of the non-musical activity is very unclear. To escape violation of the Contract in future the types of not allowed artistic activity should be defined by the Company, paying a specific attention on borderline cases (on the example of clause 6.5). In clause 9.1 the Company proposes the Artist to receive 40% of the ‘net profits’, and this may be a point of argument. Commonly small independent labels as the Company is propose a fifty-fifty percent of a ‘net profits to share after the covering of previously agreed recording coasts

Monday, October 28, 2019

Investigate into the Primacy and Recency effect Essay Example for Free

Investigate into the Primacy and Recency effect Essay The aim of this study was to investigate into the Primacy and Recency effect. The study was based on Glanzer and Cunitzs research (1966) who suggested that when remembering words, if given an interference task, the recency effect will be virtually eliminated. It was therefore predicted that when a group of participants were recalling words after having an interference task there would be little, if no recency effect. However it was also predicted that when an interference task was not involved there would be both a primacy and recency effect. The experiment was conducted on two groups of participants, 20 in each group. They were all students between the age of 16 and 18. This was an independent experiment. The findings form this study indicated that there was less of a recency effect when using an interference task then when not. Introduction The aim of this investigation to find out whether people remember material at the beginning of a list better than material at the end. A further aim is to show that when participants take a memory test with the involvement of an interference task there is no recency effect. The recency effect can be defined as the tendency to recall items at the end of the list more readily than those in the middle (about the last 25%). The recency effect occurs due to the last lot of information still being in short term store. A familiar example of the recency effect is the observation that a pop group is only as good as there last hit song. People tend to remember things more clearly if they have happened recently. The recency effect can be measured using free recall, where participants are shown a list of words, and the later asked to recall them. The recency effect is shown by the fact that the last few words in the list are usually remembered better than the middle. However, Glanzer and Cunitz (1966) found that counting backwards for only 10 seconds between the end of the list presentation and the start of recall (thus producing and interference task) virtually eliminated the recency effect, but had no other effect on recall. This can be explained by the fact that the counting backwards interfered with the process of creating memory and so this wiped out the words towards the end of the list. It can be seen that the rest of the list was not affected by the interference task, as they were now in long-term memory store. In Glanzer and Cunitz experiment the participants recalled the first few items in the list much better than those in the middle, this is known as the primacy effect. The primacy effect can be defined as a high level of free recall of the first items in a list (about the first 25%). The primacy effect depends mainly on rehearsal, in that the words at beginning of the list are rehearsed for longer than those in the middle. The primacy effect was shown by Rundus and Atkinson (1970), who asked their participants to rehearse out loud any of the words they wanted to during list presentation. The recency effect is found when the results of a free recall task are plotted in the form of a serial position curve. Generally, this curve is U-shaped, and the recency effect corresponds to the tail of the U on the right. This tail indicates that words presented at the end of a list of to-be-remembered items are better remembered than words presented in the middle of this list. It is called the recency effect because these items were the ones presented most recently to the subject in the memory experiment. The primacy effect is found when the results of a free recall task are plotted in the form of a serial position curve. Generally, this curve is U-shaped, and the primacy effect corresponds to the tail of the U on the left. This tail indicates that words presented at the start of a list of to-be-remembered items are better remembered than words presented in the middle of this list. It is called the primacy effect because these items were the ones presented first to the subject in the memory experiment. The diagram below shows the multi-store model of memory designed by Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968). It shows us how rehearsal is a vital part of the memory system. This model of memory can help to explain why interference will eliminate the recency effect. The recency effect is part of the short-term memory store, in that it is the last piece of information taken in and so, like all information, it goes into short-term store first. What allows us to remember this information is through rehearsal, thus temporarily keeping it in short-term memory store. It is therefore clear to see that if rehearsal is taken away, as it is through an interference task, then there will be no recency effect. Experimental hypothesis If given a list of words to remember, involving an interference task, when recalled there will be a strong primacy effect, and little, if no recency effect. This, one tailed hypothesis was formulated as previous research has indicated the existence of a primacy effect, and the elimination of the recency effect when using an interference task. However when undertaking the same task without interference there should be both a primacy and recency effect. Null hypothesis If given a list of words to remember involving an interference task, when recalled there will be no difference between how strong the recency and primacy effect is. Method Within this investigation there are two groups of participants, consisting of 20 different people in each group. The participants used were all A level students and were asked at random if they willing to take part. Some of these students studied psychology at A level themselves and so may have known what the investigation was about, thus possibly affecting the final results. The type of design being used is that of independent measures. There are two main variables in this investigation, which will later be correlated; these are word number and the total number of times each word was remembered by the participants.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Spike Lee :: essays papers

Spike Lee In 1995 I considered Spike Lee's gritty CLOCKERS one of the year's best films; recently I spotted its video in a clearance bin and picked it up. Upon re-viewing, I am struck again by its complexity. It is the first urban drama to depict inner-city race relations with the intricacy such a pervasive cultural issue demands. On the surface it resembles a whodunit, but its main concern is how drugs and violence contaminate entire communities, dramatized in the collapse of one African-American youth's life. (He chokes up blood the way some of us sweat.) This process is observed by a predominantly white police force that makes hollow attempts to keep order, and refuses to intervene with the community's gradual decline. Instead of characters with overt prejudices and plain racial allegiances-characters that are sterile symbols of bigotry rather than credible humans guilty of it-Lee gives us characters of casual racism. Most representative of this is Harvey Keitel's Rocco Klein, a white detective who cannot understand the culture surrounding him, which is a culture of narcotics, violence, and black-on-black crime. On his beat, drugs are less a problem than a lifestyle, murder resolves the tiniest of disagreements, and young mothers valiantly but vainly battle the influence young dealers have on their sons. Klein views the inner-city with contempt, but deep down he knows all the whores and dealers are human beings, too. Klein is introduced at the scene of a homicide, where the police handle the gruesome death with a clinical sense of detachment, cracking bad jokes and asking the bloodied corpse questions. Is it just a job, or is it racism?

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Analysis of A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens Essay -- essays re

â€Å"A Tale of Two Cities† by Charles Dickens is an artfully crafted tale that unabashedly tells the story of the injustice, the horror and the madness of the French Revolution. More than this, it is a story of one man’s redemption, one man who Dickens vividly portrays as being â€Å"a nobody†. This nobody had thrown away his life. â€Å"A Tale of Two Cities† is the tale of Sydney Carton and his full circle redemption. The first impression we get of Sydney Carton is not a pleasant one. â€Å"[Sydney Carton] sat leaning back, with his torn gown half off him, his untidy wig put on just as it happened to light on his head after removal, his hands in his pockets, and his eyes on the ceiling as they had been all day. Something especially reckless in his demeanor†¦gave him a disreputable look.† (p. 57) From this description we get the impression that Carton is a slacker and that he doesn’t care about appearances. We also learn that he is a drunk. â€Å" ‘You have had your bottle, I perceive, Sydney.’ ‘Two tonight, I think.’ † (p.66) Sydney is trying to find the answers for his problems in the wrong places and he has begun to give up hope. â€Å" He resorted to his pint of wine for consolation, drank it all in a few minutes and fell asleep on his arms, with his hair straggling over the table, and a long winding-sheet in the candle dripping down upon h im.† (p. 64) Sydney Carton is in bad shape. He is an alcoholic, he is depressed and he has nothing going for him. Before a chick is born, it must first break free of the shell that encases it. It only begins to chip once it realizes that breaking free is the only way to start a new life. In the same way Carton begins to take a serious look at who he is and what he has become. â€Å" ‘Do you particularly like the m... ...ounters a young, frightened seamstress. Carton takes her hand and commands her to never take her eyes off him. â€Å" ‘ Keep your eyes on me, dear child, and mind no other object.’ † (p. 291) Sydney Carton, had always been the follower, but now, he takes the lead in his own life. Amidst the chaos and the confusion of the crowd, Sydney Carton whispers his final words. â€Å" ‘It is a far, far better thing that I do, then I have ever done, it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.† (p. 293) As the chick chips its shell to its final breaking free, Sydney Carton begins the journey of redemption and completely transforms himself. Carton ascends to the plane of heroism, using his death to save the lives of others. His own life thus gains meaning and value. â€Å"A Tale of Two Cities† is truly the tale of the miraculous redemption of one, ordinary â€Å"nobody.†

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Mickey and Eddie Essay

As part of our Drama GCSE unit on Blood |Brothers we were requires to use a vast amount of sills and drama techniques in order to improve our understanding of Blood Brothers; in order to do this we completed various exercises to develop our explorative skills. One of the improvisations we had to partake in was the re-enactment of the finale scene in Blood Brothers. As we had already seen the Blood Brothers production, this acted as both an advantage and a hindrance. This acted as an advantage as we had an idea of both characters and therefore an insight into how we could perform this re-enactment, however the disadvantage was that this may prevent us from having our control over the character, this may also prevent us from using our own imagination to interpret the character and their actions as we would have been heavily influenced to mimic what we had already seen. However though we already had familiarity with the production, as it had been a considerable amount of time from when we had seen the production, our drama teachers refreshed our memories by establishing a class discussion on the subject, and the main themes of Blood Brothers. As a group discussed the main themes, scenes and then discussed the finale scene into depth; while doing this we discussed what body language and facial expressions were used and what we all found particularly effective in the scene. Once we had completed our discussion, we were then given a time frame to work towards. Once we had dispersed into our groups we divided the roles in the scene amongst ourselves; Adrian as Eddie, I was Mickey, Tamara was Mrs Johnston and both Zion and Emma acted as the police officers. I felt that this particular exercise was particularly interesting and beneficial for us all; this is as we had a new insight and understanding of Blood Brothers on a higher level. Through the re-enactment of the Blood Brothers production I also found a new knowledge of each character, particular Mickey (the character I played), this is because as you take on the role and you’re in a maximum involvement level you absorb the character and believe in the scene although it is actually happening. This lead to me felling more empathetic towards Mickey as I really felt able to relate to his feelings and his situation, therefore understanding what made him react in the way he did. Mickey reacted in the way he did as he was angry and felt completely betrayed by Eddie, his feelings weren’t helped by what he’d already been through in prison and with him now having to be on medication. Our own re-enactment was fairly accurate to what we had seen in the reduction, however I genuinely feel that we added our own input and originality into the way the final scene was devised and appeared to be (this is inevitable as when you relate to a character, your own feelings and opinions are bound to show through). In our own finale, Adrian (Eddie) opened the scene by thanking the audience for being elected as councillor, while doing so my character then interrupts by running down the stairs and onto the stage. I felt that y my character (Mickey) running down the tiered seating stairs, the audience became more involved in the scene. My character then started pushing Eddie and shouting about his infidelity with Lynda, Eddie then tries to reassure Mickey and justify himself by claiming that both him and Linda are only friends. At this point my character becomes enraged and grabs him by his collar. In our re-enactment there was more physical violence and confrontation on Mickey’s part, I felt that this would portray his rage more effectively. I also took a conscious decision to make Mickey’s tone of voice, behaviour and body language very erratic; this was in order to portray t the audience that he wasn’t in a completely stable state of mind. As b5h character continued in their confrontation, Eddie continues to try and make peace with Mickey and when it reaches the heightened tension of Mickey raising a gun to Eddie’s head, Mrs Johnston shouts stop and runs onto the scene. At this point both police officers run to the bottom of the stage from separate sides, a voice then circulates the room, saying â€Å"we have you surrounded, put the gun down†. At this point my character then starts to look around, suspicious about where the noise is emerging from; at this point I lower the gun. I feel this part of our re-enactment is particularly effective and original as all the other groups used the same approach as the one used in the production whereas in our own improvisation we devised it to appear as though the police have surrounded the building on the outside and are ready to burst in at any time. At this not Mrs Johnston (Tamara) then reveals to both Mickey and Eddie that they are literally ‘Blood Brothers’ as they are twins that were separated at birth, at this point both brothers ask why, at this point Mrs Johnston continues to explain. However in the middle of her explanation Mickey makes his final outburst screaming that because of being with her he’s ended up with no career or money whereas Eddie has managed to become some great councillor; Mrs Johnston then tries to calm Mickey down and t this point his voice raises, as does his hand and gun and he screams It should be me, at this point the gun goes off and Eddie’s killed. Meanwhile at the same point one of the police officers (Emma) emerges on scene and reacts to the sound of the bullet by shooting Mickey. I felt particular sympathy for the police offer that shot Mickey as she only reacted to the gun shot she had heard. I also feel that this particular situation gives the audience a real understanding into how difficult the job of a police officer can really be as they are often put in compromising situations in which quick instinct decisions have to be made. Another improvisation we re-enacted was the ‘kids play’ scene. Our drama teachers explained that the purpose of this is to enable us to lose all inhibitions and feel in essence what it’s like to be a child again. We were then told about Starkravski’s theory on the three essential skills tat needed in order for a person to be a god actor, the most important factor being that of naivatiae. This means to be in a child like state, oblivious to anyone there and t feel completely free, this is as children are extremely nai ve and innocent and with this they can believe in anything, allowing them to have a vivid imagination.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Smart Cards essays

Smart Cards essays Gemplus is maintaining its industry and staying focused on its research efforts. Gemplus employs over 160 engineers in the development of this smart card. Gemplus has recognized the benefits of there research. Gemplus has also researched with various groups such as the British Library, the open University of the Netherlands and Bureau van Dijk management consultants of Belgium to apply the smart card technology for the protection of intellectual property rights. Gemplus has helped us in our efforts to succeed in the development of the Smart card. Smart Card is a new wallet-sized plastic card, manufactured to ISO standards, with embedded microchip. This new card is able to process data, such as user identification codes, at a transaction site. The smart card holds memory it is a microprocessor card, intelligent card with greater data storage and processing capabilities, allowing certain information to be programmed over and over during the usage period. The smart card also has the capability with contactless cards, the newest area of car development, these cards can transmit data without physically being connected to a card reader. Gemplus is the world leader in the production of this conventional plastic card. Smart Card is a credit card with a brain in it. Through our hard work we have made a smart card that has human like intuitions embedded in a small microchip. This card can be programmed to perform tasks and store information, but note the brain is little-meaning that the smart cards power doesnt compare to that of a computer. I know many of you are wondering how is this possible. How can a card be money with a brain? The basic gist is that banks and customers would have public-key encryption keys. Public-keys come in pairs. A private key is known only to the owner for security purposes the signature is for identification purposes. It can also be used for money orders using a private key and cust ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Replacing a Lost or Stolen Canadian Passport

Replacing a Lost or Stolen Canadian Passport Whether you lose your Canadian passport or if it is stolen, dont panic. Its not an ideal situation, but there are steps you can take to replace your passport, and you may able to get a replacement passport for a limited time. The first thing to do when you discover your passport is missing is to contact local police. Next, youll want to get in touch with the Canadian government. If youre within Canada, call 1-800-567-6868 to report the circumstances of the loss or theft to the Canadian Passport Office. If youre traveling outside of Canada, find the nearest Government of Canada office,  either an embassy or a consulate.   Police or other law enforcement officers will conduct an investigation, which is especially important if youre reporting your passport stolen. It may be a good idea to contact your credit card companies and bank, even if your passport is the only thing missing. Theres the potential for identity thieves to do a lot of damage with a stolen passport, so keep an eye on your financial information until its located, or until you receive a new one. Once the investigation is completed, if authorized,  you can then apply for a replacement passport which may be valid for a limited time until you have to apply for a new passport.   Submit a completed application form,  photos,  fee,  proof of citizenship, and a Statutory Declaration Concerning a Lost, Stolen, Inaccessible or Destroyed Canadian Passport or Travel Document. Canadas Passport Rules Canada shrunk the size of its passports from 48 pages to 36 pages in 2013 (to the consternation of frequent travelers). However, it extended the expiration date, making passports valid for 10 years. Its also important to know that Canada is one of the few countries that dont allow citizens to hold a secondary passport (unless he or she can claim dual citizenship in Canada and another country). What If My Canadian Passport Is Damaged? This is another circumstance when youll need a new Canadian passport. If your passport has water damage, is torn on more than one page, looks like its been altered, or the identity of the passport holder is impaired or illegible, you may be denied by an airline or at a point of entry. Canadian rules dont allow you to get a replacement for a damaged passport; youll need to apply for a new one. What If I Find My Lost Passport? If you find your lost passport, report it immediately to the local police and the passport office since you cant hold more than one passport at a time. Contact the passport office for specific exceptions, as they vary on a case-by-case basis. Its worth noting that Canadians who have had multiple passports damaged or reported lost or stolen may face restrictions when applying for a new passport.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Pros and Cons of Having a College Roommate

Pros and Cons of Having a College Roommate You may be a first-year student filling out new-student paperwork, trying to decide if youd like a roommate or not. Or you may be a student who has had a roommate for several years and now is interested in living on your own. So how can you decide if having a college roommate is a good idea for your particular situation? Consider the financial aspects. At the end of the day, at least for most college students, theres only so much money to go around. If living in a single / without a roommate will increase the cost of attending college significantly for you, then sticking it out with a roommate for another year (or two or three) is a good idea. If, however, you think you can swing living on your own financially or you think having your own space is worth the extra cost, than not having a roommate might be in the cards. Just think carefully about what any increased costs will mean for your time in school and beyond, if you are using loans to finance your education. (Also consider whether you should live on or off campus or even in a Greek house when factoring in housing and roommate costs.) Think about having a general roommate, not just one person in particular. You may have lived with the same roommate since your first year on campus, so in your mind, the choice is between that person or no one. But that doesnt have to be the case. While its important to consider if you want to live with an old roommate again, its also important to consider whether you want to live with a roommate in general. Have you enjoyed having someone to talk to? To borrow things from? To share stories and laughs with? To help out when you both needed a little lift? Or are you ready for some space and time on your own? Reflect on what you want your college experience to be like. If youre already in college, think back on the memories and experiences youve come to value the most. Who was involved? What made them meaningful for you? And if youre about to start college, think about what you want your college experience to look like. How does having a roommate fit into all of that? Sure, roommates can be a major pain in the brain, but they can also challenge each other to step outside of comfort zones and try new things. Would you have joined a fraternity, for example, had it not been for your roommate? Or learned about a new culture or food? Or attended an on-campus event that really opened your eyes about an important issue? Think about what set-up would best support your academic experience. True, college life involves a lot of learning outside of the classroom. But your primary reason for being in college is to graduate. If youre the type of person who enjoys, say, hanging out in the quad for a little while but really likes to head back to a quiet room to get a few hours of studying done, than perhaps a roommate isnt the best choice for you. That being said, roommates can also make awesome study buddies, motivators, tutors, and even lifesavers when they let you use their laptop when yours breaks 20 minutes before your paper is due. They can also help keep you focused and ensure the room stays a place where you both can study even when your friends pop over with other plans. Consider all the ways that having a roommate will have an impact on your academics both positively and negatively.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Many topics you can chose from Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Many topics you can chose from - Essay Example Ground water can also lead to formation of wetlands or oases. There are ways in which ground water can be extracted from the earth’s surface for a score of uses. It can be used for home purposes, industrial usage, in addition to agricultural use for activities like irrigation. This can be possible by construction of extraction wells that draws water underneath the surface of the earth. Ground water has been distributed differently under the surface of the earth. In addition, underground water undergoes movement under the earth’s ground. Study of ground water motions, plus distribution is known as hydrogeology. It is also called ground water hydrology. Ground water can also include soil moisture, immobile water that is found in bedrocks that have very low permeability, and oil formation water that is found very deep in the earth’s surface. Ground water is thought to act as lubricants that cause movement of faults. The points under the surface of the earth where ground water originates are identified as aquifers. An aquifer has layers of porous materials that contain and transmit water. When aquifer is not confined, water can move freely between the earth’s surface and the saturated zone of an aquifer. Since gravity causes water to move downwards, deeper zones of the aquifer are further saturated as compared to the upper parts. Water table refers to the upper zone of the saturated layer of an unconfined aquifer. Below the water table, all spore spaces are saturated with water. This zone is known as phreatic zone. There is a substrate that slight porosity and allows little transmission of ground water. This substrate is called an aquitard. Aquifers have diverse features depending on the geology, and the structure of the substrate as well as the topography in which they happen. Aquifers that contain a high amount of water are situated in sedimentary geologic formations. Crystalline rocks that are weathered and fractured produce a