Sunday, December 29, 2019

Using the Spanish Pronoun ‘Nada’

Nada is the usual Spanish pronoun meaning nothing—but because double negatives are common in Spanish, the word nada can often be translated as anything. Nada Meaning Nothing When nada indeed means nothing, usually as the subject of a sentence, the use of nada is straightforward for English speakers: Nada es mejor que la maternidad. (Nothing is better than motherhood.)Nada es mà ¡s importante en este momento de nuestra historia. (Nothing is more important at this time in our history.)Nada puede cambiarme. (Nothing can change me.)Nada tiene mà ¡s vida que las cosas que se recuerdan. (Nothing has more life than the things that are remembered.)Nada es lo que parece. (Nothing is what it seems.)No quiero participar en la discusià ³n sobre nada importante.  (I dont want to participate in the discussion about nothing important.) When  the Verb With Nada Is Negated However, when nada is the object of a verb, it is normal for the verb itself to be negated. Therefore, when translating such sentences, you usually have to translate nada as anything or something similar, or use the verb in a positive form. In the following examples, either translation is acceptable: No hay nada mà ¡s. (There isnt anything more. There is nothing more.)Este congreso no sirve para nada. (This Congress isnt worth anything. This Congress is worthless.)El manifestante hablà ³ dos horas sin decir nada. (The protester spoke for two hours without saying anything. The protester spoke for two hours and said nothing.)No hay nada mà ¡s grande que proteger los nià ±os. (There is nothing more important than protecting children. There isnt anything more important than protecting children.He decidido que no quiero comer nada con conservantes o aditivos. (I have decided I dont want to eat anything with preservatives or additives. I have decided I want to eat nothing with preservatives or additives.)No me gusta nada. (I dont like anything. I like nothing. Technically, nada is the subject of this sentence, but the double-negative rule still applies.) Using Nada for Emphasis Sometimes youll hear nada used as an adverb, where (after taking the double negative into account) it is usually used as an intensifier and thus can mean not at all: Mi hermano no estudia nada y no ayuda nada en casa. (My brother doesnt study at all nor help out at home at all.)Si tengo paraguas no corro nada.  (If I have an umbrella I dont run at all.)No aprendà ­ nada difà ­cil. (I didnt learn anything difficult at all.) Using Nada in Questions In questions, nada is nearly always used with a negative verb:  ¿No ha estudiado nada de eso? (You havent studied any of that?) ¿No puede ver nada el nià ±o?  (Cant the boy see anything?) ¿Por quà © no tenemos nada? (Why dont we have anything?) Phrases Using Nada Here are some common phrases using nada: ahà ­ es nada (similar to no big deal, a way of emphasizing and downplaying something at the same time): Han estado casados por 50 aà ±os. Ahi es nada. (They have been married for 50 years. No big deal.) antes que nada (most importantly, above everything else): Antes que nada, queremos que viva. (Above everything, we want him to live.)   de nada (unimportant, of little value): Traje a casa una monedas de nada. (I brought home some worthless coins.) The phrase de nada is also frequently used as the equivalent of youre welcome after gracias (thank you), similar to saying Its nothing after being thanked.   como si nada (as if it were nothing): Despuà ©s de todo lo que dije, salià ³ como si nada. (After everything I told him, he left as if it were nothing.) nada como (nothing like): No hay nada como el hogar. (There is no place like home.) Avoiding Confusion With Conjugated Nadar Nada meaning nothing shouldnt be confused with nada, the third-person present indicative form of nadar, to swim: Nada todas las maà ±anas en la piscina. (She swims every morning in the swimming pool.)El atleta nada a casi nueve kilà ³metros por hora. (The athlete swims at almost nine kilometers an hour.)Nada en agua frà ­a como si nada. (She swims in cold water as if it were nothing.) Key Takeaways Nada is the Spanish word for nothing.Because of the ways negatives are used in Spanish, nada is sometimes translated as anything.Nada is sometimes used as a word of emphasis.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Hazing A Benefit Or Burden Essay - 2670 Words

Hazing: A Benefit or Burden nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The concept of hazing has long since been a source of debate, yet it has also served as a means of training designed to save lives. Hazing has been around almost as long as mankind but its formal introduction became most apparent in the military. Hazing is used to bring a group of people together as a unit and teach them a great deal of information in a short amount of time. Hazing is designed as a consequence based teaching method where a mistake leads to harassment of some sort. This harassment may include physical or mental discomfort, embarrassment, ridicule, paddling or other forms of physical abuse, excessive fatigue, psychological shocks, chores, involuntary road trips,†¦show more content†¦These methods of hazing are even more effective when applied to groups. Hazing can bond a number of individuals and make them strive harder to succeed. When a group is â€Å"lined up† they are to act as one†¦not as individuals, which is imperati ve in military, sports, and even in fraternal brotherhoods. If a single individual fails, the entire group must face the consequence together. A single person may not be affected by the punishment, but the mental anguish they receive when watching their peers pay for their own failure is more powerful in changing their actions and learning. The movie Full Metal Jacket give an accurate portrayal of hazing in the military. Private Pyle, an overweight and undisciplined new comer, gets caught hiding a doughnut in his military supply box where only supplies are permitted. The drill instructor makes the rest of Pyle’s platoon hold a down position for pushups while Pyle eats his doughnut. Not only does Pyle feel poorly for punishing his team for his actions, but his team resents him and strives to keep him in line. By the end of boot camp, Private Pyle is in peak physical condition and performs his tasks to perfection. Fraternities almost have a direct link to military in the way of hazing. Fraternities were founded as secret organizations designed to protect students from corruptShow MoreRelatedHazing a Benefit or Burden2679 Words   |  11 PagesHazing: A Benefit or Burden The concept of hazing has long since been a source of debate, yet it has also served as a means of training designed to save lives. Hazing has been around almost as long as mankind but its formal introduction became most apparent in the military. Hazing is used to bring a group of people together as a unit and teach them a great deal of information in a short amount of time. 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Public heath deals with many other issues that cause burdens to individuals and society alike such as obesity and gun use. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Dreamland Free Essays

In the book Dreamland Sarah Dessen explores and illustrates physical abuse and loving someone so much that you can not leave. Catlin O’Koren shows many signs of getting abused such as bruises, feeling mentally drained and using drugs to escape the pain. By the middle of the book Catlin’s friend Rina suspects something is wrong with Catlin but says nothing because she feels it might ruin their friendship. We will write a custom essay sample on Dreamland or any similar topic only for you Order Now Catlin then becomes emotionally and physically attached to Rogerson, and if she ever if late for something she fears that he might hurt her, but she for some reason also feels safe around him. In the book Dreamland the main character Catlin O’Koren deals with many challenges such as, her sister Cass running away, physical abuse, and later going to rehab for drugs. At the beginning of the book the main character Catlin woke up on her birthday to find a present from her sister Cass sitting outside of her door with a letter attached to it saying that she had run away. †My sister Cass ran away the morning of my sixteenth birthday, she left a present, wrapped sitting outside my door (Pg. 1, Par. 1)†. Cass was supposed to go to Yale in a few days but was feeling too much pressure from her parents to be perfect, so Cass ran away with her boyfriend Adam to be together. Catlin then becomes lost without Cass around and feels she has no one to tell her feelings to since Catlin has been with Cass her whole life. In the middle of the book Catlin was watching Television when she saw Cass on a television show called â€Å"The Larmont Whipper Show† Catlin and Her parents finally find out that Cass has run away to New York, and watch the show everyday to try and catch a glimpse of Cass. Cass finally decides to call home and tell them where she went and that she is okay, but Catlin will not talk to her because she is afraid to hear her sister’s voice again. Catlin then gets a letter at the end of the book from Cass saying that she was not happy and Yale was the last place she wanted to be. By the end of the book when Catlin comes home from Rehab Cass is there at her welcoming home party. Cass running away was a prime example of the challenges that Catlin faced throughout the book. â€Å"One thing I have learned over the past couple of months, it is that sometimes you have to close your eyes and just jump (pg. 38, par. 16)†. Catlin First meets Rogerson at the car wash and vacuum station when she was getting quarters for her friend to clean her car. Catlin’s friends had an opinion about Rogerson, and that opinion was right, that he looks like a drug dealer. Their relationship starts off with Catlin seeing Rogerson’s dad abusing him because h e was late to one of their parties. Rogerson then feels the need to get his anger out by hitting Catlin. Rogerson first abuses Catlin after the athletic banquet at school, because he had to wait a long time for Catlin after she stopped to see if Rina was okay â€Å"when he hit me, I didn’t see it coming. It was a quick blur, a flash out of the corner of my eye, and then the side of my face exploding, burning, as his hand slammed against me ( )†. This was Catlin’s thought as Rogerson hit her for the first time. Rogerson then began to hit Catlin all the time, even over the slightest thing, if she showed up late to anything, was seen with another guy, or even just for fun, he would hit her. Rogerson then began hitting Catlin places where it was not noticeable and she could cover it up easily. Catlin then became an avid drug user to drown her feelings since she was not able to tell anybody about Rogerson abusing her. The last time that Rogerson hit Catlin was because Rina took Catlin to her lake house and she was late to meet Rogerson at her house. She knew the hit was coming but never expected it to be as hard as it was. The hit was so hard that when he hit her and she got out of the car and fell on to her lawn and blacked out. He began kicking her telling her to get up, when Catlin’s mother came out of the house to stop Rogerson and called the police on him. Rogerson then went to jail but even after him hitting her she still loved him. This is book is a love story about loving someone so much that you cannot leave. Rogerson hitting Catlin is an example of physical abuse loving someone a little too much. At the end of the book Catlin finally admits to her parents about doing drugs to escape the pain and ends up going to Evergreen, a rest care facility. When she first gets there she is very shy and does not want to talk to her therapist, but once she is there longer she begins to open up and tell him about what had happened to her. While she was in the rest care facility she thought about Rogerson constantly and how she still loves him and misses him â€Å"After all that happened, how could I miss him? But I did. I did (pg. 233 par. 27)†. This is Catlin explaining that after all that happened with Rogerson she still missed him. After a month of being in Evergreen Catlin was making a lot of progress and was let out of the facility. When she arrived home she was surprised by a welcome home party with Rina, Boo, Stewart, and her mom and dad. Catlin starts telling everyone about her time at evergreen when her sister Cass shows up to the party. Catlin seeing Cass there was like a sense of relief and that she could finally take a deep breath and get out of dreamland. Catlin going to Evergreen, then coming home to see Cass was a brilliant way to end the book and Catlin going to Evergreen was something people should know a little more about. Catlin faces many challenges in the book such as her sister Cass running away, physical abuse, and going to rehab for drugs. Sarah Dessen does this in a very compelling and interesting way. This was a great topic to read about and everyone should be informed about how physical abuse can mentally and physically hurt you. Sarah Dessen does a great job explaining a difficult topic for some people. How to cite Dreamland, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING Essay Thesis Example For Students

MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING Essay Thesis A monologue from the play by William ShakespeareLEONATO: I pray thee cease thy counsel,Which falls into mine ears as profitlessAs water in a sieve. Give not me counsel,Nor let no comforter delight mine earBut such a one whose wrongs do suit with mine. Bring me a father that so loved his child,Whose joy of her is overwhelmed like mine,And bid him speak of patience.Measure his woe the length and breadth of mine,And let it answer every strain for strain,As thus for thus, and such a grief for such,In every lineament, branch, shape, and form.If such a one will smile and stroke his beard,Bid sorrow wag, cry hem when he should groan,Patch grief with proverbs, make misfortune drunkWith candle-wasters bring him yet to me,And I of him will gather patience.But there is no such man; for, brother, menCan counsel and speak comfort to that griefWhich they themselves not feel; but, tasting it,Their counsel turns to passion, which beforeWould give preceptial medicine to rage,Fetter strong madness in a silken thread,Charm ache with air and agony with words. No, no! Tis all mens office to speak patienceTo those that wring under the load of sorrow,But no mans virtue nor sufficiencyTo be so moral when he shall endureThe like himself. Therefore give me no counsel.My griefs cry louder than advertisement.